克拉马斯河更新公司。非营利性公司监督在俄勒冈州和加利福尼亚的克拉马斯河上拆除四个水电大坝 -非常乐观的事业最终将在美国室内部门表示对4月18日的约4.45亿美元项目的支持之后。联邦能源监管委员会的同样可以。

The Klamath dams project, in planning for more than a decade and被认为是美国类似大型项目的概念验证新利18备用网址它的幅度和复杂性将是历史性的。国会研究局说:“从来没有一次从一条河中撤离这么多大水坝。”为了保护责任。

大坝-J.C。在俄勒冈州和科普科I,Copco II和加利福尼亚的铁门的Boyle,建于1918年至1962年之间。俄勒冈州上克拉马斯河上的三个大坝将继续运作。大坝的公用事业所有者Pacificorp说,七个克拉马斯水坝总共生产了169兆瓦。


“该项目现在有更多的动力。我们很乐观,具有必然性的感觉。”非营利组织首席执行官马克·布兰索姆(Mark Bransom)告诉ENR。新利18备用自2010年以来,该项目一直在考虑并辩论。

Interior called FERC’s draft review “thorough and robust,” adding that it “carefully considers the potential environmental effects of [the] proposed action.” The department said it would approve the removal with “moderate modifications.”

如果FERC发行了9月预期的最终环境签约,并且在年底之前获得了其他许可,那么Klamath River Renewal Corp.预计将于2023年开始建设。完整的项目设计将于6月份完成。

The removals still await a federal Clean Water Act permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, federal historic preservation approval developed with Tribes and the FERC order to transfer the dams’ operating license from PacifiCorp to the nonprofit.

根据渐进设计建设合同signed in April 2019使用非营利组织,Kiewit基础设施西部被选中去除四个水坝。


Early enabling construction will begin in the first quarter of 2023 and major dam removal will begin in June 2024. Heavy civil firm Knight Piesold, which specializes globally in hydropower and mining services, is the engineering subcontractor. Texas-based Resource Environmental Solutions is the project’s restoration contractor.

The removal project stems from a 2016 settlement by Oregon, California and PacifiCorp reached after years of squabble over environmental conditions. The project will allow the river to flow freely with fish passage restored for about 400 miles upstream.


"The FERC recommendation to advance the dam removals sets a path for a more sustainably managed river — something we haven’t seen for more than a century. It won’t solve every problem in the Klamath Basin, but it bodes well for the future," said California Rep. Jared Huffman (D),in an online statement。"Klamath dam removal will be the largest salmon restoration project in history. Removing these obsolete dams will help restore iconic salmon without reducing water supply."

But "the loss of water and power will have huge negative effects" on residents of Siskiyou County in the far northern part of the state, California Rep. Doug LaMaffa (R), who has opposed the removals, told E&E News, adding that sediment released during dam removal will harm fish spawning areas.
