A city in Kansas has approved a 10-year pilot program to deploy a smart pavement technology at five intersections in a public-private partnership. The P3 marks a step forward in deploying the technology, which entails precast concrete road sections embedded with digital technology and fiber optic connectivity for traffic data collection through in-roads sensors, Wi-Fi, 5G and more through antennas in the expansion ports, edge services and cloud access and wireless electric vehicle charging.

At aLenexa city council meeting4月19日,成员批准了一项决议,以允许综合道路to begin design for the first of five intersections, accepting a $250,000 innovative technology program grant from the Kansas Dept. of Transportation, according to the meeting minutes. KDOT first tested the technology on a section of Interstate 35 in 2013.

The technology was invented byTim Sylvester,综合道路的创始人。该技术于2018年在丹佛进行了进一步的测试。“正如应用程序制造商需要手机来部署该应用程序一样,我们需要一部分智能道路,” Sylvester说。“我们要做的就是降低概念证明。在与科罗拉多州进行技术演示之后,我们[开始]寻找一个想要大大发展并改变互联车辆的基础设施的客户。”

该客户是Lenexa,这是一个拥有57,000多人的城市。Sylvester说:“我之所以称其为特许权,是因为我们采取了蜂窝和有线公司所做的市场方法 - 总体实施以及没有投标流程的任何改进。”


He compares the precast concrete blocks to a computer shell. “What do you want to put in it? Graphics card? Storage space? We adapt that thinking to a roadway. We can put snow and ice melters in there; weather and pollution sensors. We can put wireless chargers in the road so that electric vehicles never have to plug in.”