
The IIJA was signed into law on Nov. 15, but its new programs, including the one aimed at trimming carbon emissions, were bottled up until a full-year 2022 appropriations package was enacted on March 15.

In formally kicking off the Carbon Reduction Program on April 21, DOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement, “As the sector generating the most carbon emissions in the U.S. economy, transportation must play a leading role in solving the climate crisis.”




FHWA also released a memorandum to outline how the program will be implemented.


Also eligible are purchases of zero-emission construction equipment and vehicles and projects that speed the flow of traffic but do not include constructing lanes to add road capacity.


But the memo says states can use "other factors," with U.S. DOT approval.


For example, the program and funds fall under the Federal Highway Administration but states and other jurisdictions can "flex," or transfer, them to be used on projects that fall under the Federal Transit Administration's responsibilities.

The program also requires states to draw up carbon reduction “strategies,” by Nov. 15, 2023, though funds for carbon-reducing projects can flow before the plans are completed.

倡导集团SmartGrowth America运输策略助理副总裁史蒂夫·戴维斯(Steve Davis)说,减少碳释放计划,而IIJA则是“混合袋子”。

Davis told ENR via email, "It is absolutely a notable and important step forward that Congress has devoted significant funds to projects that are aimed at reducing emissions."



委员会的最高共和党人和罗德尼·戴维斯(Rodney Davis)(R-ill。),高速公路和过境小组委员会的排名GOP成员罗德尼·戴维斯(Rodney Davis)(R-Rodney Davis(R-ill。尽管这项政策与国会在最近的基础设施法中的意图直接冲突,但他们可能需要建造新的道路。”
