Willow and Parsons Corp. have won a five-year contract from Dallas Fort Worth International Airport to create and support a digital twin for the maintenance and operations of Runway 18R/36L and Terminal D, which were recently renovated as part of DFW’s airport-wide modernization.

Willow战略增长负责人Shaun Klann说:“据我们所知,这是该行业活跃跑道的第一个数字双胞胎。”“他们正在利用它来帮助了解不同的事件,天气事件,这种性质,影响操作以及如何使机场在正常运营中正确地使机场更快。”

A digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system that spans its lifecycle, is updated from real-time data, and uses simulation, machine learning and reasoning to aid decision-making. In Willow’s case, it’s a cloud-based twin that’s informed by 3D models drawn from the recent expansion and physical scans of over 17,000 acres of DFW’s assets, including the runway. Eventually, 40 years of accumulated information from the airport will be folded into the project.

作为翻新项目,跑道18R/36L和D终端D提供了足够的信息,可以折叠到DFW数字双胞胎中。新利18备用网址All data for FAR Part 139, a regulation that requires the FAA to issue airport operating certificates including field inspections, is being added into the digital twin, according to Parsons, as well as weather station data and DFW’s enterprise asset-management system and physical information from Autodesk Civil 3D models.

Parsons资产管理技术总监Howard Shotz说:“他们有多个不同的数据来源。”“这是我们的任务,在这一概念证明中,‘我们可以通过单个玻璃窗格同时显示这些系统的独特属性吗?’”

Much more than what’s visible to the naked eye is available in the twin, Shotz said. Runway 18R/39L is composed of nearly 4,000 concrete slabs, all labeled in the twin. The runway is 13,500-ft-long, 200-ft-wide and has about 4,000 runway lights, as well as signs and weather stations.

As Runway 18R/36L and Terminal D near completion over the next five years, the project’s digital twin will eventually connect, catalog and integrate all of DFW’s landside and airside infrastructure, possibly enabling better informed decision-making and more consolidated workflows.