
2008年,马里兰州最大的水电站WSSC Water(正式称为华盛顿郊区卫生委员会)探索了从其五个废水处理设施中提高其生物固体质量的方法。当地垃圾填埋场越来越多地拒绝接受处理过的污水污泥,称为B类生物固体。这些材料的应用有限,不能在公共场所用作肥料。WSSC Water的设施设计和建设部门经理Theon Grojean说:“多年来,处置变得越来越昂贵,并且受到监管。”

WSSC Water, with help from AECOM and other consultants, conducted an evaluation of a variety of potential methods to produce Class-A biosolids, which are safe for use as fertilizer or as composting material. After the review, WSSC Water decided to install one of the first thermal hydrolysis process (THP) units in the U.S. at its Piscataway treatment plant in Accokeek, Md. The commission also is adding an energy recovery system that uses biogas produced through the THP process to provide enough pipeline-grade natural gas to power the plant and potentially earn energy credits with Montgomery County, Md.

“It seems like [THP] is the technology that the industry is moving toward.”
- WSSC Water设施设计与建筑部的部门经理Theon Grojean

这项耗资2.71亿美元的项目结合了新的THP系统,WSSC Water所说的是首个冗余单位,以及Piscataway现有治疗列车的康复和能量恢复过程。WSSC水官员说,它将将常规处理厂转换为先进的设施,该设施将消耗更少的能源并减少浪费。此外,他们说,进步的设计建设项目交付方法使设计和建筑团队可以在锁定最终价格之前在需要时找到节省和即兴创作的方法。

“The Piscataway Bioenergy Project is about renewable energy, sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” says Carla Reid, WSSC Water general manager and chief executive.

PC建设正在领导该项目的建设团队;Stantec是工程师。Piscataway网站上的拆除开始于2019年夏季。该设施在ENR Midatantic Press的时间内完成约60%,并有望在2024年秋季开始运营。新利18备用


Pam McFarland的照片新利18备用

Reducing Mass

在英国良好建立的THP过程正在美国获得关注,作为厌氧消化的预处理过程。WSSC Water的Grojean说:“看来这是该行业正在迈进的技术。”“我们不是[在美国]第一个这样做的人,但我们是第一个。”Grojean指出,由于他们以前在THP的经验,该公用事业公司在与STANTEC和PC构造合作方面具有一定的舒适度。斯坦特克(Stantec)在英国斯坦特克(Stantec)和PC Construction参与了大约新利18备用网址20个THP项目,这也是该团队的一部分,该团队在2013年在美国华盛顿特区的DC Water的Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Pressist设立了第一个Cambi THP THP。


在Accokeek的新能源回收设施中,来自其他四个WSSC水处理厂的固体与Piscataway植物的固体一起融合在一起,并通过THP反应堆移动。Grojean说,尽管有几家供应商在市场上拥有THP系统,但挪威公司Cambi的THP系统是迄今为止最广泛使用的。Piscataway的Cambi THP单位的容量为每天92吨干吨(DTPD),预计初始吞吐量约为54 dtpd。


Cambi冗余单元是一种新型号,在基本单元中增加了两个储罐,该单元具有四个反应堆和两个储罐。这使操作员能够一次卸下一个反应堆进行年度检查和维护,而无需关闭整个Cambi系统。WSSC水项目经理Stan Dabek表示,该公用事业的优势在于,它可以“以低得多的成本提供THP系统的连续运行”。


Image courtesy of WSSC Water


Robert Wierzbicki, PC Construction project director, says the plant “is kind of a self-contained loop” in which water and energy are captured and recycled.


To reduce ammonia in the filtrate, the team added a biological sidestream process for denitrification using bacteria grown on plastic carriers. The filtrate then goes back into the Piscataway main wastewater treatment system for further processing.


Image courtesy of PC Construction

Exhaust from the engines within the treatment facility is run through a boiler, which creates the steam and hot water needed to run the Cambi THP unit. The team also decided to have the five power distribution centers for the project prefabricated and assembled off site while the foundations were poured on site. That shaved months off the construction timeline, according to WSSC Water.





Photo courtesy PC Construction




Joe Uglevich, vice president and a regional business lead for Stantec’s water division, adds that having all of the contractors, major subcontractors and engineering firms working as an integrated team “from Day 1, where they are thinking about how they are going to build it, instead of getting too far down the road” with a design only at 10%, allows for more flexibility and lower costs.


—Robert Wierzbicki, Project Director, PC Construction

该项目分为两个组成部分:早期工作包的4000万美元合同,其余工作合同为2亿美元。大约在WSSC Water计划进行第二份合同的时候,Covid-19的猛烈袭击将第二份合同裁定拖延了大约一个月。


作为一个结果lt, Wierzbicki says the team reached out to vendors, suppliers and subcontractors and got them signed up—with the caveat that the work was contingent on the team’s receiving the final award from WSSC Water. That enabled them to avoid delays because they didn’t have to wait for a formal notice to proceed, which would have set the timeline back, he says. “I think you build a trust throughout the design process and pricing process … [which] allowed us to be as open and transparent” with the owner when challenges did arise, Wierzbicki says.

WSSC Water的Dabek强调了该项目正在挑战委员会的员工学习新的做事方式。
