
“Progressive design-build is new in transportation,” said Dave Nardon, director of alternative delivery for Superior Construction. “Just a couple of years ago, if you asked twenty people what progressive design-build is, you’d get thirty answers. It’s not [construction manager-general contractor] or design-build."

Nardon, speaking at the Design-Build Institute of America’s annual transportation/aviation conference held in Orlando April 6 to 8, noted that in PDB, the two-phased selection process becomes qualifications-based and requires the engineer, contractor and owner to act as one team. The method is best for “schedule-driven, complex, phased construction,” he noted.

Kathryn Weisner, construction and contractor administration engineer for the Federal Highway Administration’s Resource Center, said that recent PDB projects in Utah and Maryland were state-funded, but now states are considering the delivery method for federally-funded projects and are reaching out to the FHWA for help.


犹他州运输部的工程经理迈克尔·罗梅罗(Michael Romero)表示,乌托特(Udot)的3.85亿美元美国89次加宽工作,与PDB完成,从开发开始到建设开始仅14个月,与传统的设计建设相比节省了大约四个月。他说,通常乌托特及其顾问会创建一个基线和文件来捐赠给承包商,“现在没有任意设计”“承包商不会使用”。取而代之的是,承包团队参与了范围和设计,并使用独立的成本估算器来调和任何差异。

旧金山国际机场首席发展官Geoff Neumayr表示,PDB可以最大程度地提高PDB团队的透明度和创造力,但起初可能会令人生畏。新利18备用网址他说:“当您从一张空白的纸开始时,它会使人们感到不舒服。”他补充说,但是解决这种不适可以建立信任和社会参与。

坦帕的希尔斯伯勒县航空管理局项目主任杰夫·西德尔(Jeff Siddle)表示,该机构已经使用PDB已有23年了,“几乎没有任何诉讼。”他说,关键是所有者必须合理和公平。

Owner’s representatives must also shift their aim from “protecting the owner” to “being an advocate for the PDB team,” said Neumayr. And Weisner, evoking the “Let It Go” song from the movie Frozen, advised owners to differentiate between prescribing their preferences for a project and what they truly want the project outcome to be. Instead of focusing on, for example, desired lane widths or types of materials to use, “what is the desired end result?” she said.


在DBIA的另一届会议中,承包商坦率地谈到了他们希望在设计建造工作中看到什么。沃尔什集团(Walsh Group)部门Archer Western Construction的业务发展高级总监David Pupkiewicz说:“护理标准和责任限制是最大的参与者。”业主应该更加沟通,为什么他们可能会将风险转移到团队中,而设计合作伙伴可能会承担更多的数量风险。


Branch Civil的副总裁Jason Hoyle表示,劳利(Wryly)希望承包商希望他们可以向业主索取设计建设资格。他指出,所有者的顾问经常用评论淹没一套计划,最好“尽早进行这些对话”。
