当Ketanji Brown Jackson法官宣誓就任新的美国最高法院大法官时,她将面临一些与建筑有关的重要事项,包括旨在定义或重新定义的一系列案件中的最新事项,即对湿地的联邦管辖权的范围,一定的范围流的类型和其他水体。

参议院于4月7日投票53-47,以确认杰克逊成为高等法院的副法官。三名共和党人 - 缅因州的苏珊·柯林斯(Susan Collins),犹他州的米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)和阿拉斯加的丽莎·默科夫斯基(Lisa Murkowski)加入了所有48名民主党人和两名独立人士,批准布朗成为第一位坐在最高法院上的黑人妇女。

杰克逊(Jackson)将于今年夏天开始任职,当时法官史蒂芬·布雷耶(Stephen Breyer)是法庭上三个自由主义者之一,下台。预计她将与法院的自由派保持一致。

In Jackson's opening remarks at her Senate confirmation hearings, she described Breyer, for whom she clerked between 1999 to 2000, as a mentor, and said that she hoped to be able to carry on “in his spirit” at the court.

Since 2021, Jackson has served as judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Before that she was a U.S. District Court judge in D.C. for eight years. She was confirmed to both positions with bipartisan Senate support.

美国公共事务和战略倡议副总裁布莱恩·图尔马尔(Brian Turmail)表示,很难预测司法公共事务将如何确认。



Abigail Dillen, president of Earthjustice, said in a statement that Jackson "is the well-qualified, fair-minded Supreme Court justice we need in this critical moment for the environment."

AFL-CIO总统利兹·舒勒(Liz Shuler)在一份声明中谈到杰克逊时说:“她的智力,法律知识和遵守法律规定的记录将是无价的,因为她做出直接影响工人生活的决定,并倡导平等权利。“


法院在6月下旬的任期结束时可能会统治与建筑业有关的两个主要环境案件。杰克逊将无法对其中一个案件进行投票,西弗吉尼亚州诉EPA- 处理清洁空气法的问题 - 因为她在2月28日口头辩论时不在法庭上。

但是杰克逊很可能能够参加口头辩论,然后在一项重大清洁水法案中投票。那很重要Sackett v. EPA,在列表中要听到这个术语,但尚未分配口头参数日期。

The court agreed in late January to hear the case, which examining the long-debated question of how to define a key term in the clean water statute, “waters of the United States,” often referred to as WOTUS.

Under the clean water law, builders must obtain a permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build near, among other things, wetlands that are close to federally protected bodies of water, such as major rivers.

In a 2006 case,Rapanos诉美国案裁决提供了两种不同的测试,以确定水是否属于联邦保护。

One test, advocated by the court’s conservative wing, excludes intermittent and ephemeral streams as well as headwaters from federal jurisdiction. The other test, outlined by Justice Anthony Kennedy, includes them.


Breyer was one of four justices to favor the broader clean water protections inrapanos。

水资源咨询公司道森&Associates的高级顾问拉里·利伯斯曼(Larry Liebesman)在接受采访时说,杰克逊在联邦区和上诉法院的决定,“总的来说,总的来说,她不是在环境营地100%。”

liebesman, a former trial attorney in the Justice Dept.'s Land and Natural Resources Division, said, She writes very long, detailed opinions. She's rules against environmental issues in some cases, ruled for them in other cases."



That matter is making its way through lower courts, but could end up at the Supreme Court, he says.

联合建筑商和承包商同意监管,劳工和国家事务副总裁本·布鲁贝克(Ben Brubeck)。“尽管美国参议院对Ketanji Brown Jackson的确认不会改变美国最高法院的组成,但ABC将有兴趣了解她和其他法官如何在COVID-19的疫苗接种案件中统治案件,如果此类案件最终回到高等法院。”
