Officials in North Miami Beach, Fla., evacuated a five-story apartment building April 4 after an engineering survey revealed excessive deflection in multiple floor slabs.

这owners of Bayview 60 Homes, a 60-unit structure alongside a canal in the city’s Eastern Shores section, asked city officials for the emergency vacate order, based on an April 1 report from B.P. Taurinski Structural Engineers, a Boca Raton, Fla., consultant that had been conducting an owner-commissioned investigation “in an attempt to restore the structural integrity” of the building.

report, signed by structural engineer Brownie P. Taurinski, stated that elevation points of the second and third floor slabs taken that morning by general contractor U.S. Structures Inc., Miami, indicated deflection exceeding American Concrete Institute guidelines for two-way slabs. The engineer advised the owners that “the building structure is structurally unsound and must be evacuated immediately.”

Taurinski没有回应置评请求。自2021年7月以来,Bayview 60在建筑物即将进行的50年重新认证检查之前就进行了维修。迈阿密戴德县(Miami-Dade County)要求,为了继续占用,建筑物在40年和此后每10年进行重新认证。

North Miami Beach building officials were copied on Taurinski’s report, which reportedly arrived via email after city offices had closed for the weekend. According to a city statement, all but five units were occupied when the evacuation order was issued April 4.

Repair or Demolish

发言人苏塞特·卡布雷拉(Susset Cabrera)表示,该市将为财产所有者提供两到三个月的时间,以决定是维修还是拆除该建筑物。卡布雷拉补充说,没有采取行动计划,迈阿密戴德县不安全的结构委员会将考虑订购该结构的拆除。


Bayview 60房屋是自2021年6月24日致命的北迈阿密海滩多单元居民区撤离,是附近Surfside的海滨尚普兰山顶塔楼南公寓的倒塌。

这following week, the city ordered residents of the 10-storyCrestview Towerscondominium, also built in 1972, to leave due to structural concerns. Structural repairs got underway there recently, and that building has notreopened.


4/6 - 本文更新了更多当前信息Bayview 60的可能拆除和Crestview Towers的状态。