E.E.芦苇结构最近参加了休斯敦大学的STEM职业博览会。E.E. Reed积极招募大学生加入其实习计划,该计划提供了对总承包商工作环境的访问。实习生参与了各种各样的任务,包括一般估计,与现场交易互动以及协助项目经理当前项目。图为Paige Olivares和Dean Diaz。



与建筑业职业合作(C3)和全国建筑妇女协会(NAWIC)合作,TDIndustriesparticipated in the #SHEbuildsHouston recruiting event on March 3 in Houston.

The #SHEbuildsHouston recruiting event introduces young women to the craft trades through discussions with experienced tradeswomen and provides hands-on training with tools and heavy equipment. The event will also educate young women on additional opportunities in the construction industry, such as estimating, project management and visual design. Nikki Morgan, TD’s executive vice president, and Iris Flores, TD assistant project manager (pictured far right) spoke as part of leadership roundtable panel discussions.

瑞安·戈特(Ryan Gootee)总承包商

Photo courtesy Ryan Gootee General Contractors

瑞安·戈特(Ryan Gootee)总承包商最近加入UnCommon Construction为他们的第一个合作伙伴构建天开始以来of the pandemic. On select Saturdays, apprentices work shoulder to shoulder with industry partners to complete small projects that produce big results. On March 5th, RGGC and UnCommon Construction worked on the sheathing and finishing up of the wall framing on this semester’s projects. The full-day experience involves formal and informal team building and networking activities that help young people build awareness and exposure to jobs and careers in the AEC industry.



弗里斯和尼科尔斯来自新奥尔良,休斯顿和奥斯汀办事处的沿海服务团队成员帮助恢复和保护飓风IDA损害的路易斯安那州沿海栖息地,这是杰斐逊教区年度Treecycling活动的一部分。今年,添加了柏树的种植,以帮助重建植被并在巴拉塔里亚盆地的拉菲特(Lafitte)固定沼泽残留物。2月,Freese和Nichols团队种植了约200棵一岁的树木,并在他们周围安装了Nutria Guard保护。图为Freese和Nichols的沿海服务团队成员Ryan Fikes,Jose Tapia,Kiara Horton,Matt Salmon,Kelsey Calvez,Will Huff,Nina Reins和Katie Jones。

Turner Industries


Turner Industriescelebrated the grand opening of its state-of-the-art personnel and training facility in Pasadena, Texas. The 33,000-sq-ft facility serves as a one-stop shop for job applicants, allowing them to interview, complete medical testing and orientation and receive site-specific safety and craft training. The facility also includes a craft training lab that provides hands-on training for a variety of crafts, including rope access.



整个二月,MMR通过玛丽·伯德·珀金斯(Mary Bird Perkins)癌症中心(Mary Bird Perkins Center Center)对GO - 工作场所计划的预防,将癌症意识,教育和放映给路易斯安那州的员工。MMR还提供了预防癌症和教育课程,并在其巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge),贝尔·查斯(Belle Chasse)和布鲁萨德(Broussard)办公室提供免费的现场皮肤癌筛查。

MMR has participated in the program since 2018 to bring early detection, education and screenings to worksites. The firm has since provided onsite skin cancer, oral cancer and breast cancer screenings as well as tobacco cessation counseling to employees in the Greater Baton Rouge area and across South Louisiana.

动力,Palmisano Co.

Photo courtesy Impetus

基于新奥尔良动力,Palmisano Co.,最近,在墨西哥为一家人建造了新的房屋,这是一项任务,《希望之家》计划的年轻人,该计划提供了无债务的房屋,以帮助利用贫困的家庭。一支由14人组成的动力团队为Yesenia和她的五个孩子建造了一所房屋。

动力团队应对在悬崖边场建造房屋的挑战,距离非常困难,而且需要准备很少的区域。已经放置了20英尺x 20英尺的混凝土板,因此团队立即开始组织材料,工具和分配职责。该团队在短短两天内就完成了木框房屋。

WT Byler Co.


基于休斯顿WT Byler Co.最近庆祝了该公司自成立以来购买的1,500台设备的E-1500。当地工作人员加入公司领导层,庆祝这一里程碑。购买协议包括从野马猫购买的40个单位。W.T. Byler目前在其舰队中拥有700多个建筑设备,以及滚动库存和小型设备。