Contractors across the five-state region of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas are rebounding from the pandemic and working through a pipeline of energy, infrastructure and hospitality projects. The first 25 of this year’s Top Project Starts represent $22 billion in work that began in 2021 across the region, compared with $14.5 billion for 2020. ENR does not rank projects with confidential costs.


德克萨州总裁兼首席执行官梅洛尼·兰尼(Meloni Raney)说:“感觉我们已经很好地导航了其他所有问题,但是这两个问题不断出现。”“您不能仅仅创建更多的人或更多的供应,我们依赖许多其他因素。”

材料和供应遍布整个董事会,但在每种情况下,这些费用都在增加 - 如果您甚至可以买到这些材料,密西西比州相关总承包商(AGC)执行董事鲍勃·威尔新利18备用官网登录逊(Bob Wilson)补充说。“我们的[承包商]不知道这些天如何竞标工作,因为他们不知道这会花费多少。如果承包商与私人开发商有关系,则他们将允许承包商包括一项条款,即一旦到达,价格将取决于材料成本,但在公共项目中并非如此。新利18备用网址我们正在与之抗争,其他所有人也是如此。”

瑞尼说:“达拉斯是该国第二大建筑市场,也是德克萨斯州第二大市场的第二大市场,仅次于沃思堡 - 因此我们绝对处于繁荣状态。”“我们必须找到与业主合作并将其弄清楚的方法,而不是互相固定。”

There are a number of positives coming out of these challenges, she notes. “Contractors have had to get very creative and innovative, and it’s been exciting to see them develop different ways of doing business and solving problems. This problem has forced creative thinking, and that is one thing that has been good for our industry,” Raney says.



Flatiron and its team of subcontractors are building a mile-long bridge across the new Lake Ralph Hall Reservoir, which is under construction outside Ladonia, Texas.


Raney说,工业仓库的开发正在以多户家庭建设以及达拉斯 - 沃思堡地区的快速发展。办公室市场也很强大,盛行了装修,扩张和希望移动其总部或在该地区开设新办公室的公司。

“The growth is such a domino effect; as we have more housing, they’ll want retail and grocery around them. It’s a matter of letting the dominoes fall. The infrastructure to support the growth is keeping everyone busy,” Raney adds.

Thirty miles north of downtown Dallas, the $520-million Omni PGA Frisco Resort project is underway. The largest resort currently in development in the country, the venue is scheduled to open in spring 2023.

得克萨斯州主要机场也正在新利18备用网址进行重要的项目,其中包括在达拉斯 - 沃思堡国际机场的200亿美元项目,该项目将在未来几年内重建其最繁忙的大堂。在休斯敦的乔治·布什洲际机场,一个耗资9.7亿美元的国际航站楼项目包括建造新的米奇莱兰国际航站楼,该终端将取代现有的D码头D和联邦检验服务建筑建筑物的翻新和扩展。

德克萨斯州总裁兼首席执行官梅洛尼·雷尼(Meloni Raney)

阿肯色州construction held up extremely well through the pandemic, says Bill Roachell, president of Associated Builders and Contractors’ (ABC) Arkansas chapter. “Contractors have good pipelines of work built up and are staying busy. Construction has increased by 24% since this time last year.” He notes that lead times are much longer because of supply-chain issues.


ABC鹈鹕分会主席戴维·赫尔维斯顿(David Helveston)表示,与此同时,路易斯安那州正在经历重建的努力,这是由于其多次飓风,促使明年大量的商业和住宅工作。

该州在石油和天然气行业拥有悠久的历史,并且也可以成为更可再生和可持续能源的领导者。最大的项目之一是,耗资92亿美元的Gr新利18备用网址ön燃料可再生燃料综合体是一项多相项目,该项目在密西西比河的艾伦港(Port Allen)建造了几年。该设施将产生绿色氢,可再生柴油,北极规格可再生柴油,航空燃料和生物塑料原料。预计将在10年内为该地区带来5,000多个直接和间接的工作。


Hensel Phelps正在提供CMAR服务,以扩大和翻新现有的联邦检验服务大楼,这是乔治·布什洲际机场(IAH)终端重建计划的整体一部分。
图片由Hensel Phelps提供


A project similar in size and scope, the Strategic Biofuels Louis Green project in northern Louisiana at the Port of Columbia will be the first renewable fuels project in North America to achieve negative carbon emissions and the most carbon-negative of any liquid fuels plant in the world. The feedstock for the plant is forestry waste from managed and sustainable forests.

可再生能源集团(Energy Group)于10月在路易斯马州吉斯马尔(Geismar)的可再生柴油生产设施的9500万美元改善和扩张。该地区有60个永久性工作,最多可达500个建筑工作。


基础设施支出的增加是在路易斯安那州和密西西比州促进了高速公路项目。新利18备用网址几个月前,在巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge)扩大州际公路10的多相努力的第一阶段。

Huge growth is also coming to the Mississippi Gulf Coast, says Bob Wilson, executive director for AGC of Mississippi. When gaming was approved for Mississippi, it had to be restricted to locations on the water, and the Gulf Coast area has seen casinos, restaurants and other related development as a result. “Hospitality projects were on hold for two years during the pandemic, and now they’ve kicked off again,” he says.

- 密西西比州AGC执行董事Bob Wilson


威尔逊说,州最大的雇主之一日产最近宣布将扩大其设施以制造电动汽车和卡车,这将增加1200名员工。他说:“还有另外两个巨型人可以吸引大型开发商。”“在日产工厂附近的麦迪逊县的一个遗址引起了很多兴趣,这是DeSoto County的第二个地点,我们正在发生最高的增长。”

商业construction is faring well in Oklahoma as well, with significant projects starting in 2022 in the health care and hospitality segments, says Douglass Tapp, CEO with AGC of Oklahoma. “The industry appears to be strong going forward [and] will further spotlight the challenges being experienced in the lack of skilled labor and material supply chain struggles.”

The $280-million Norman Regional Healthplex Expansion in Norman, Okla., is consolidating acute care services currently housed at Norman Regional Hospital. The resulting 307 inpatient beds will require the expansion of core services such as surgical suites, intensive care, an expanded emergency department and other ancillary services. A new patient bed tower will include 96 new patient hospital rooms, and additional development will include an ambulatory care center and cancer care center.

Meanwhile, the $317-million Enid Kaw Lake Water Supply Program in Enid, Okla., will ensure sufficient clean water to meet population projections for Enid residents, Vance Air Force Base, Woodring Regional Airport, local and outlying industries, neighboring municipalities and rural water customers. The project will reduce average day demand on the regional aquifers by 35% and remove 7.5 miles of cast-iron pipe.