When Nadine Post arrived in Boston last July 8 to report a profile on the nonprofit Build Health International, which constructs and maintains modern hospitals in Haiti and other low-income regions, she was alerted that BHI’s Jim Ansara, his staff and their Boston-based hospital-operator partners might be distracted during interviews. The day before, Haiti’s President, Jovenel Moïse, had been assassinated. Anyone with any ties to Haiti was in shock and concerned about the safety of their loved ones and colleagues. Buildings editor Post says that under these trying circumstances, she was impressed anyone kept their appointments with her.

Fast forward to Aug. 14, two weeks before Post was set to write the BHI profile. A magnitude-7.2 earthquake hit the southern peninsula of Haiti. Two days later, Tropical Depression Grace hit.

Post contacted Ansara, BHI’s dynamo and this year’s winner of the Award of Excellence (see p. 26), to report a story on the disasters. Ansara and his team had already sprung into action. BHI’s staff in Haiti did hospital assessments while U.S. staff started a fundraising campaign and organized plane shipments of medical supplies to Haiti—no simple undertaking.

Post was again impressed with BHI. And she reshaped her profile to begin with the quake response (新利18备用ENR 8/30-9/6/2021 p。20).

2月21日,保罗·法默(Paul Farmer)的突然去世,保罗·法默(Paul Farmer)是全球公共卫生远见,英雄对安萨拉(Ansara)和其他人的军团,震撼了社区。安萨拉遭到破坏。他和妻子凯伦(Karen)一起飞往迈阿密举行葬礼。

That was the week before Post, Senior Art Director Scott Hilling, freelance videographer/photographer Bruce Buckley and I were scheduled to be in Boston for the AOE video and photo shoots.

到我们到达波士顿时,悲伤仍然显而易见。但是,也有一个坚定的决心,可以推动Farmer的全球使命,为有需要的人提供有尊严的医疗保健。“每个人都表现出真正的勇气,” Post说。

BHI是Ansara的第二职业。他是Shawmut Design和Construction的退休创始人。邮政提名他为AOE提名,因为尽管他遇到了无数障碍,但他创造了一个运动,以帮助较不幸的人获得更好的医疗保健。

She speaks for ENR’s AOE team when she says, “It has been a privilege to get to know Jim and so many others working diligently to improve global public health. It’s not every day that journalists are fortunate enough to hitch their wagon to someone else’s star, even if only for a short time.”