The US Army Corps of Engineers is allocating another $2.7 billion in Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funds to 300 specific maritime port and waterways projects around the country in 2022 and 2023 to improve the flow of freight, provide resilience against climate change effects and help disadvantaged communities.

The White House宣布该军团于3月29日分配,根据美国内部部门农村水项目填海局的法律,该军团陪同17亿美元。新利18备用网址

The Corps funding is an add-on to $14 billion from the newly enacted law plus other appropriations measures that the agency allocated in January to civil works water projects.

A complete list of the new batch of projects was not immediately available. But the White House said that the $2.7 billion includes $321 million for improvements at coastal ports and inland waterways, $482 million for 12 projects to reduce coastal flood risk and $679 million for seven projects to reduce inland flood risks.


Inland waterways projects include $77 million for new lock chambers at Emsworth Locks and Dams on the Ohio River in western Pennsylvania; and $92.6 million for lock upgrades for the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System.

Flood protection and ecosystem restoration projects include $350 million to Adams and Denver Counties in Colorado for ecosystem restoration along 6.5 miles of the South Platte River; $220 million for the Howard Hanson Dam in Washington State; $150 million for floodwalls, surge barriers, levees and other features for the City of Norfolk, Va.; $77 million to restore barrier islands in coastal Mississippi; and $26 million to restore wetland habitat for the Hudson Raritan Estuary in New Jersey and New York.

名单上的其他洪水保护项目针对弱势社区,这是拜登新利18备用网址政府对环境正义的关注的一部分。其中包括:1.15亿美元,向卡梅伦,Calcasieu和Vermilion Parishes的西南路易斯安那州沿海飓风保护项目;在Pajaro和加利福尼亚州沃森维尔市的一个项目中,有6700万美元。