A Reno developer is looking to hit the jackpot in Las Vegas by turning a shuttered casino site just south of the city into an industrial park to serve the distribution and light-manufacturing industries.

Tolles Development Co.计划在内华达州的让,在拉斯维加斯以南约20英里处建造近150英亩的公园,在加利福尼亚边境以北15英里处。


“This is a real strategic location,” says Cory Hunt, chief strategy officer for Tolles Development. "Trucks can do a one-day round trip from the Port of Long Beach to Jean and back."




Tolles Development paid $44.7 million for the Jean property, which includes the casino complex and its utility connections, and surrounding raw land. Hunt says the company will invest “substantially more than that” in a three-to-five-year phased buildout once construction begins next year.


Hunt says the existing interchange, which served the 1,100 hotel rooms and two casinos that Jean once had, should be sufficient to handle traffic to the park.


UNLV商业和经济研究中心负责人的安德鲁·伍兹(Andrew Woods)表示,该发展成为内华达州南部经济发展最快的部门之一。他说,包括物流在内的“贸易,运输和公用事业”是内华达州南部首位恢复大流行前就业水平的工作部门。

Woods says the Tolles project “hit the nail on the head by seeing the potential in that property,” particularly with a possible shortage of developable land.


He also says the frayed supply chain caused by the pandemic has generated “a lot of talk of more on-shoring—‘just-in-case’ instead of ‘just-in-time.’”

That thinking has already impacted Las Vegas, where a veteran commercial real estate executive says she has “never seen an industrial market more vibrant, more dynamic,” one with vacancy rates below 2%.

“Product that is under construction is 50% pre-leased,” says Donna Alderson, executive managing director at Cushman & Wakefield, where she focuses on industrial properties. “We are chasing our tails to keep up with demand.”