President Joe Biden’s fiscal year 2023 budget request includes tens of billions of dollars for federal construction and infrastructure programs, supplementing the big gains provided in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.




The new budget and appropriations season comes during a midterm election year, at a time when partisan fights will heat up. That could make a deal on fiscal 2023 spending even harder to achieve.

Charles Seville, Americas sovereign co-head for Fitch, a credit-rating firm, said in a statement that “many of the policy measures included in the budget remain unlikely to be passed.”

The reason, Seville said, is that that although the deficit and debt outlook has improved due to a fairly strong GDP growth over the past year, “in some respects … economic forecasts finalized in November and used as the basis for the budget (a longer lag than in the last two years) look too benign.”

Highway, Transit Proposals Track IIJA Levels

Steve Hall, American Council of Engineering Cos. senior vice president for advocacy, said in an interview, "Certainly, big picture, I think the administration is putting a lot more emphasis in this budget on programs to deal with the supply chain issues....and transit."

Hall adds, "It fully funds the IIJA programs, and in some cases even goes beyond that."

对于建筑计划,拜登的提议显示出不同的结果。在美国运输部,副秘书Polly Trottenberg在预算日简报中说,1,050亿美元的预算请求“将使DOT能够满足我们最关键的运输资产的长期维护和现代化需求……”[查看USDOT FY 2023预算摘要簿这里

The infrastructure law's $37 billion for DOT would augment that spending. DOT has already allocated some of its 2023 money among the states, with more money to be released this year.


Federal Transit Administration formula grants would edge up 1% in the budget, to $13.6 billion, the amount the IIJA authorized for 2023.


In the briefing, FTA Administrator Nuria Fernandez highlighted a recommended $100-million CIG allotment for the New Jersey-New York Hudson Tunnels project, part of the multi-project Gateway Program of passenger rail improvements in the area. It would be the first federal funding for that portion of the $12-billion Gateway Program.

Fernandez noted that FTA was proposing the $100-million grant even though the agency and state and local officials had not yet signed a full-funding grant agreement. Such agreements are multi-year FTA funding pledges for projects. She said that the funding recommendation is “an affirmation [to project sponsors] that they’re on the right track.”

Corps of Engineers


Of the $6.6 billion, $3 billion would go for commercial-navigation projects—such as river locks and dams—$1.5 billion would go for flood and damage reduction, and $624 million for aquatic ecosystem restoration.

Large allocations to individual projects include $172 million to complete the American River, Natomas Basin project near Sacramento, Calif., and $157 million to dredge the Corpus Christi Ship Channel and barge lanes in Texas.

Although some of the Corps' civil works accounts would decline from 2021 appropriations levels, Congress has had a history of rejecting proposals to cut the civil works budget from presidential administrations of both parties.




GSA, VA建筑物






But the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, the primary federal funding mechanisms for wastewater and drinking water infrastructure projects, did not fare as well.


The law included language that made clear that the amounts appropriated under the law were to be in addition to dollars from the annual budgetary process, says Kristina Surfus, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies managing director of government affairs. So, Surfus says, the fact that the 2023 budget request did not match the significantly higher amounts suggested in the IIJA is a “missed opportunity.”

She adds, "We want to make sure IIJA is in fact a supplement to continued growth in federal support for water investment. That means annual spending is increasing in line with what we saw authorized under IIJA.”

ACEC's Hall notes, "Sometimes past administrations will not give [the SRF category] the attention and support that it really needs, and Congress will go back and backfill."

他补充道,“这还有待观察whether it happens this time or Congress just keeps the numbers lined up with what's in the [IIJA] law."


Clean Energy


其中大部分将用于DOE的高级研究和项目机构 - 能源(ARPA-E),以及根据基础设施法创建的清洁能源示新利18备用网址范办公室。

The budget request calls for $700 million for ARPA-E, a 56% increase over 2022. The administration is also requesting $112 million for clean-energy demonstration projects, $277 million forlarge-scale碳捕获试点项目,区域清洁液枢纽1.14亿美新利18备用网址元,用于储能演示试点计划的5700万美元。

The budget also includes $20 million for a new solar manufacturing accelerator program to help create a more robust domestic supply of equipment and materials to help meet the Biden administration’s solar deployment goals.

可持续能源委员会主席丽莎·雅各布森(Lisa Jacobson)表示,该联盟的成员对预算提案在清洁能源技术和能源效率计划中的提升感到满意。雅各布森说:“如果颁布,该预算信号以及目前正在国会正在考虑的立法提案将大大加快全国清洁能源和能源效率解决方案的部署。”

美国能源协会代理执行董事希拉·霍利斯(Sheila Hollis)指出,能源部门正处于向较低排放的转变中,但是这种转型需要持续的资金和成功的项目部署才能成为现实。她说:“从长远来看,必须有一项承诺,因为投资是如此之大,因此能够实现这些目标。”


“This is just the beginning,” the source said, noting that momentum for large projects or programs like CCUS plants or hydrogen hubs will grow over time. “Things will not start to pick up definitively until you hit the end of year two, year three. That’s the lag time, and how long it takes for this kind of money for these big [projects] to really start to have an impact because so much planning is required.”

Funding for DOE defense environmental cleanups saw a modest uptick, from $6.7 billion enacted in the omnibus, to $6.91 billion for fiscal 2023.


