
Although ENR’s indexes measure the costs of non-residential buildings, the housing market has had a major impact on index movement. The ENR 20-city average yearly price for steel rose 37% by the end of 2021, while the overall Materials Cost Index experienced an increase of 31%. Both skilled and common labor saw a modest gain. The ENR Building Cost Index increased 13.1% for the year, while the Construction Cost Index rose 7.4% over the same period.

ENR began reporting changes in materials prices and wages systematically in 1909, but it did not establish the CCI until 1921. It was designed as a general-purpose tool to chart basic cost trends and today remains a weighted aggregate index of the prices of a constant quantity of structural steel, portland cement, lumber and common labor. This package of goods was valued at $100, using 1913 prices.

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The original use of common labor in the CCI was intended to reflect wage-rate activity for all construction workers. In the 1930s, however, wage and fringe benefit rates climbed much faster in percentage terms for common laborers than for workers in the skilled trades. In response to this trend, ENR in 1938 introduced its Building Cost Index (BCI) to weigh the impact of skilled-labor wage changes on overall costs.




pie charts

*Click on the charts for greater detail


On the downside, however, the use of only a few cost components can cause indexes for individual cities to be more vulnerable to source changes. These aberrations tend to average out for the 20-city indexes, which ENR recommends for general use.


In the late 1970s, labor’s share of the index dropped because materials prices were in the grip of hyperinflation. In 1979, for example, lumber prices increased 16%, cement prices rose 13% and steel prices jumped 11%, but labor went up just 8%. These developments resulted in materials gaining a larger percentage of the index.

In the original CCI, the components were weighted at 38% for labor, 38% for steel, 17% for lumber and 7% for portland cement. The shifting tide of inflation changed the weight of the CCI components, making labor 81%, steel 13%, lumber 5% and cement 1%. This shift was less dramatic for the BCI, which is now 66% for labor, 23% for steel, 9% for lumber and 2% for cement.
