Sanctions on Russian energy imports in the wake of the Ukraine war appear to be improving prospects for U.S. and Canada liquefied natural gas players and projects to supply needs in Europe and elsewhere, but the clean-energy push could cloud long-term growth prospects.


In 2021, annual liquefaction capacity use at six U.S. LNG export terminals averaged 102%, and 89% at peak capacity, the agency reported. Venture Global LNG Inc. added a seventh, with its Calcasieu Pass terminal in Louisiana exporting its first LNG on March 1 and expanding production as trains come online, said S&P Global on March 25.

The U.S. will lead global LNG exports in 2022, according to a Shell plc outlook released on Feb. 22. Close to 75% of LNG exports in 2022 have gone to Europe, up from 34% at the same point in 2021.

3月16日的能源部增加了Cheniere Energy Operation的授权液化天然气出口(路易斯安那州的萨宾通行证和德克萨斯州的科珀斯克里斯蒂)每天总计7.2亿立方英尺。Doe说,他们现在可以“向美国法律或政策禁止的任何国家出口”。

欧盟的目标是今年俄罗斯天然气依赖的三分之二,到2027年,所有化石燃料进口都停止了Reuters said,adding that Russia supplies about 40% of European gas needs.


在一份声明中,行业集团是液化天然气中心voiced support for the action.

但是环境拥护者保持关注增强的货物和新项目将刺激长期使用天然气和新利18备用网址创造安全性和健康风险, particularly with the number of current and planned export facilities in the hurricane-prone Gulf Coast area.

Fitch Ratings said “certain U.S. LNG projects would see a near-term revenue increase if the European Commission implements its proposal to cut Russian gas imports by two-thirds.” But “longer term upside for LNG projects … may be practically capped by European Union clean energy goals,” among other challenges, Fitch noted.

'LNG Renaissance?'

尽管如此,S&P Global表示,“美国液化天然气复兴的可能性”也激发了几个拟议的出口项目的开发商的乐观,最终的投资决策将继续前进,推测乌克兰战争可能会促使批准每人4000万吨新利18备用网址未来两年的新商业能力年,其中许多项目获得的联邦建设许可就需要。新利18备用网址

Venture Global LNG在本月宣布了两项新的出口协议,该协议可能会导致在路易斯安那州建立的Plaquemines LNG码头的投资决定和融资。

公司首席执行官迈克尔·萨贝尔(Michael Sabel)在本月的能源会议上很乐观,该会议每年可以迅速建造,每年设置为20公吨的普拉克梅斯(Plaquemines)。该公司表示,早期的工作开始于去年,可能是2024年的运营。承包商Zachry和工程师KBR正在建立其第一阶段,McDermott International部门最近还授予了建筑合同。

3月24日,联邦能源监管通信批准了由TC Energy和Kinder Morgan开发的两次新的天然气管道扩展,以将供应供应到该码头。Venture Global还在其他两个路易斯安那州出口站点待定的FERC申请。

S&P also noted progress由其他美国项目新利18备用网址考虑选择加快开发计划的选择。

液化天然气的推动似乎还在加拿大获得新的势头。该计划在不列颠哥伦比亚省的计划中有16亿美元的伍德菲比尔液化天然气项目,该项目尚未确认其最终的投资决定,并于3月22日从其领先的支持者太平洋能源公司(Woodfibre Lng Lng Lng Lng Ltd.)从2022年获得了5亿美元的财务承诺肯尼迪告诉省级官员。

“While we have not yet issued our final notice to proceed, this confirmed investment is indicative of our intent to start pre-construction work this year, and complete this critical low-emission energy project in 2027," she said in a media statement.

去年11月,伍德菲比(Woodfibre)将麦克德莫特国际(McDermott International)命名为卑诗省Squamish项目的EPC承包商,该项目的每年生产和出口高达210万吨。Pacific Energy声称,通过将水力发电能力用于制冷过程,Woodfibre LNG将是世界上最干净的液化天然气出口设施之一。

该项目如果确认全额投资,将是加拿大的第二个液化天然气项目,但比现在已完成60%的巨型液化天然气加拿大出口综合体小得多,这是由Fluor Corp.-JGC Corp.在Kitimat的Fluor Corp.-JGC Corp.建造的,公元前这项耗资180亿美元的项目针对到2025年将液化天然气运往亚洲,分析师表示可以间接帮助向欧洲供应。


“This is a very important year for us, with a pace of construction not seen previously," Peter Zebedee, CEO of LNG Canada, said in a March 15 statement. He announced on March 22 that he was stepping down as CEO, effective on March 29, to become a vice president at Suncor Energy Inc.


Meanwhile, the push for more North American energy sourcing could also boost construction sector firms, sector analysts say..

瑞士信贷构建分析师杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)认为公开持有的荧光。她在本月的最新消息中说:“其大多数同行都退出了石油和天然气,这表明(荧光)的获胜率高于平均水平,条款和条件更有利。”

Even as contractor Mastec has diversified into clean energy areas, Cook said the firm remains "one of the largest gas pipeline contractors in North America, with peers that have de-emphasized this business.”


瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)引用统计数据,即俄罗斯生产了世界铜的3.5%,其铝的5.4%,镍的9.3%,占钯的42.8%。


参议院能源委员会将举行3月31日的听证会on domestic supply chain issues for critical minerals production.

Cook said Fluor is pursuing front-end work on $42 billion of projects in the next 18 months.
