US trade officials will replace a tariff placed on UK steel by the Trump administration with a关税率配额arrangement that allows steel products to be imported duty-free, up to a certain volume, the US Commerce Dept. and US Trade Representative announced March 22.


Similar to tariff-rate quota agreements reached with theEuropean Unionand日本in the past six months, the arrangement includes a “melted and poured” requirement, meaning that steel produced in another country could not be finished in the UK and then imported to the US without a duty. However, it does include a provision allowing up to about 41,000 tons of UK.-produced steel to be finished in the EU and then imported to the US counting toward the UK quota volume.

The quota volume will be adjusted each year based on US. steel demand data from the World Steel Association. For each 6% increase or decrease in US demand, the quota volume will similarly increase or decrease 3%.


相关建筑商和承包商的首席经济学家阿尼尔班·巴苏(Anirban Basu)表示,他预计关税率配额交易将有助于降低美国的钢铁价格。他补充说,鉴于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰和供应链中断等其他全球经济因素,如果没有这些安排,目前的高钢价可能甚至更高。巴苏预计,包括建筑材料在内的商品价格将在今年晚些时候下跌。

“Given the inducement to supply more when prices are high, given the demand destruction that transpires when prices are high, given the slowing of the Chinese economy and given this latest round of trade agreements, we should see relief from elevated commodity prices later this year,” he says.

作为交易的一部分,英国也会有它的endent audits performed of any UK-based steel producers with Chinese ownership. US officials say these audits will assess the influence of China’s government on the companies. Major UK steelmaker British Steel was purchased by Chinese multinational conglomerate Jingye Group in 2020.


钢铁制造商协会主席菲利普·贝尔(Philip Bell)在一份声明中说,该协议将有助于应对全球超额钢铁能力,转运,非法倾销和补贴。


为了回应关税配额,英国官员表示,他们将暂停对美国商品(例如威士忌,蓝色牛仔裤和摩托车)的报复性关税。商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)在一份声明中说,这项钢铁协议将帮助“在我们努力抵制中国不公平贸易惯例的情况下,与世界各地的盟友和合作伙伴建立关系。”