
He was re-elected in 2020 to his 25th term in the House and also was running for re-election this year.

Young, who worked in construction—among other fields—in his earlier years, was best-known to industry officials as a long-time senior member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, which he chaired from 2001 to 2007 and on which he served at the time of his death. At his death, Young was the top Republican on the House Natural Resources Committee, which he had chaired from 1995 to 2001.


In his final months, he was one of only 13 House Republicans to vote for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, enacted last Nov. 15. On March 9, he voted for the $1.5-trillion omnibus spending package, which included significant construction funding.

美国运输部长皮特·巴特吉格(Pete Buttigieg)在Twitter帖子中说:“他的真实角色在许多方面塑造了美国的基础设施,并将被深深怀念。”

乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统在3月19日英石atement被称为Young,“坚强。忠诚。共识建筑商”。

“Don was a force of nature—an historic and unique figure in a body of standouts,” Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s current chairman, said in a英石atement,,,,

GOP等级委员会成员众议员Sam Graves(密苏里州)在英石atement,“国会共和党人之间没有更大的基础设施支持者,多年来,他带领了通过许多立法的道路”,这促进了美国的基础设施。

"Don Young was a true champion for infrastructure investments because he experienced, first hand, the power of those investments to unleash economic growth, better connect distant communities and improve quality of life," said Brian Turmail, vice president of public affairs and strategic initiatives at AGC of America.

美国工程公司委员会首席执行官琳达·鲍尔·达尔(Linda Bauer Darr)在Twitter上表示,“很少有人致力于为国会选民的利益服务。他将错过他对工程基础设施的领导和支持。”

Advocate for Congressional Earmarks

在主持运输委员会主席时,扬最显着的成就是在2005年,当时他是一项为期六年的地表运输措施的主要众议院建筑师,标题为“安全,负担得起,灵活,高效的运输公平法”,这是用户或Safetea的遗产-鲁。“ lu”是指扬的当时妻子卢。

Defazio说,Safetea-Lu“是一项强大的两党法案,具有良好的政策,需要对基础设施进行投资。”该立法批准了2860亿美元用于高速公路,运输和公路安全计划,比以前的法律增长了38%,《运输公平法》 21英石Century.





The largest of the Alaska items were $181 million for the Knik Arm Bridge near Anchorage and $175 million for a bridge to link Ketchikan and thinly populated Gravina Island. The earmarks presumably had Young's support.

当评论家称其为“无处不在的桥梁”时,凯奇坎·格拉维纳(Ketchikan-Gravina)的项目变得臭名昭著。昵称也已应用于Knik Arm Bridge。

[查看Enr新利18备用 11/28/2005故事运输资金,专用这里。]。

The criticism had an impact. The state of Alaska dropped the Ketchikan-Gravina Island project in 2007. The Knik Arm Bridge also was not built.


Earmarks were included in the infrastructure law, and in the $1.5-trillion omnibus spending bill that was enacted on March 15. Young issued a新闻稿3月10日,在综合上,他说他“为在阿拉斯加获得了十个专门项目而感到自豪。”新利18备用网址其中包括与废水处理计划,洪水转移项目和消防局有关的措施。


Long Career

Young was born in Meridian, Calif., on June 9, 1933, and later moved to Alaska, where besides working in construction, he also "tried his hand at commercial fishing, trapping and the search for gold," according to abiographical sketch在他的网页上。


In 1964 he was elected mayor of Fort Yukon, served in the Alaska State House of Representatives from 1966 to 1970, and then was elected to the state senate.


2014年,经过调查,众议院道德委员会成立that Young violated House Rules and the Ethics in Government Act for "improperly using campaign funds for personal purposes and ... improperly accepting impermissible gifts." It directed him to repay $59 million to his campaign and the donors of the gifts.


According to published reports, Young issued a statement saying the actions were "oversights" and apologized.
