

路易斯安那州沿海保护与恢复局计划开展一项五个水文修复项目的计划。新利18备用网址Grande Cheniere Ridge Marsh Creation将在Bayou Grande Cheniere附近创建多达624英亩的沼泽,沿杰斐逊运河(Jefferson Canal)沿线的12,480英尺的土岭和48,900英尺的土包围栏堤坝,一个价值6500万美元的项目。Terrebonne Basin Ridge和Marsh Creation Project将创造多达1,430英亩的咸咸水和盐水沼泽,并恢复多达80英亩的土岭,价值1.57亿美元。伯德的脚三角洲水文修复将通过挖出的Pass-a-loutre,South Pass和Southeast Pass恢复密西西比河鸟的脚三角洲的水文学,与东部和中部三角洲的沼泽重新连接了河流,价值600万美元。小岛au pitre修复将通过挖土的沉积物抬高岛上的部分,并种植合适的植被,用于筑巢的棕色鹈鹕和涉水的鸟类,美国牡蛎捕捞者的贝壳耙,壳或小石灰石在岛上的外围,用于Tern黑色撇渣器筑巢栖息地,价值350万美元。Terrebonne Houma Navigation Channel Island Restoration将通过从附近的合适的沙子源进口疏ded沉积物,并将其处置在附近并将其处置到现有岛上,从而将岛屿从目前的32英亩大小扩大到约50英亩,价值310万美元。沿海保护与恢复局,露台大街150号
巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge),70802。DR#22-00479344。


Sandy River Co. and North Country Associates plan to build the Fallbrook Commons Care Center in Portland. The 90-bed nursing home will be a two-story, 58,197-sq-ft building on a 12.8-acre site. It is being designed by Gawron Turgeon Architects, and is valued at between $15 million and $25 million. Sandy River Co., 217 Commercial St., Portland, 04101. DR#20-00538610.


Saint Paul Regional Water Services is planning to carry out an improvement project to McCarron’s Water Treatment Plant. The project entails constructing new source water conduits from the terminal chambers to the water plant, lime softening solids contact clarifiers, recarbonation basins to replace the existing basin, a new ozonation treatment process for enhanced taste and odor control oxidation and disinfection, a new laboratory, office space and control room, and demolition of existing flocculation basin, three recarbonation basins and clarifiers. The project is valued at $160 million. Saint Paul Regional Water Services, Attn: Queenie Tran, Procurement, 1900 Rice St., Saint Paul, 55113. DR#19-00555179.


Dynamic Star LLC is planning to develop Fordham Landing, a mixed-use project on a narrow strip of land on the east bank of the Harlem River in the Bronx. The 40-acre site was formerly a CSX rail yard. One building planned for the site is 320 West Fordham Road, a 17-story, 582,122-sq-ft mixed-use building with 602 apartments and 274 indoor parking spaces. A second building, 2475 Exterior Street, will be 495,000 sq ft, and contain affordable housing units, student housing, a public school, retail and office space. Ultimately, the development will comprise 2,800 residential units, a 700,000-sq-ft Life Science Center and a stadium for professional video gamers. Three acres will be devoted to public green space and waterfront amenities, including a community dock, kayak launch and a marina. The project is valued at $2.7 billion. Dynamic Star LLC, 343 Taconic Road, Greenwich, Conn., 06831. DR#19-00619559.



Clayton Property Group, doing business as Oakwood Homes, has begun developing a new 300-acre subdivision, Village A, at Banning Lewis Ranch in Colorado Springs. It will include up to 1,700 single family homes. Oakwood Homes is also serving as the general contractor. Oakwood Homes, 1290 N. Newport Road, Colorado Springs, 80916. DR#21-00593867.


Stephen D. Prater Builder Inc.已开始在富兰克林建造肯塔基州唐斯酒店。这座四层楼的77,693平方英尺建筑位于纳什维尔路5629号。它是由Klai Juba Wald Architects设计的。该项目的价值在1500万至2500万美元之间。Stephen D. Prater Builder Inc.,743 Allendale Drive,列克星敦,40504。DR#21-00647322。



3/28哈里斯县要求为建筑管理服务提供资格,以翻新休斯顿的1111范宁大楼。拟议的项目包括对17层,450,000平方英尺的办公楼的翻新,并带有集成的停车场。翻新工作的主要范围将是MEP更换和升级以及一些较小的室内装修工作。该项目是由Page Southerland Page Inc.设计的,价值2200万美元。Harris县,ATTN:南希·加西亚(Nancy Garcia),休斯顿普雷斯顿街1001号,77002。DR#21-00711859。


4/12 PACE正在寻求投标人将现有的376,000平方英尺的办公室/仓库设施转换为PACE压缩天然气巴士车队的重型巴士维修,维护和存储车库设施,包括部分建筑物拆除;并构建一个外部CNG加油站。它是由Holabird&Root LLC和Crawford Murphy&Tilly Inc.设计的。该项目的价值为6,350万美元。PACE采购区,Arlington Heights 550 W. Algonquin Road,60005。DR#21-00610532。