沃尔什建筑公司已经提交了一份5000万美元的信徒ach-of-contract lawsuit against the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) in southern California, claiming the contractor is owed money and that the design it was provided for thecounty’s 4.15-mile streetcar project connecting downtown Santa Ana with Garden Grove是无法建造的。

In its lawsuit filed in state court in Santa Ana, Walsh claims that OCTA's breach includes incomplete design, differing conditions and failure to acquire all properties and coordinate the project plans with all involved government jurisdictions. The "contract value of the design and project management teams has increased 100%," Walsh states, yet OCTA has failed to grant time extensions and has withheld pay.

Last September, after a mediation had failed, OCTA issued a final rejection of Walsh's claim for more pay and a time extension associated with a requirement to incorporate all Federal Transportation Authority quality guidelines into the project's quality control plans.


The Orange County Streetcar project, whose current overall price has grown from $407 million to $510 million, is partly funded with $305 million in state and local grants.

The project is one aspect of一个雄心勃勃的县运输议程

As envisioned, Santa Ana will get a 10-stop system with a 10- to 15-minute wait time, more foot traffic, fewer cars downtown and a boost to the local economy. The work involves tracks that will be flush with the local roads and a catenary electrical system.

八八人发言人埃里克·卡彭特(Eric Carpenter)说了is committed to finishing the 60% complete streetcar project "on our current timeline of March 2024."

