the eventual winner of a $72-million concrete contract for the $1.5-billion Kansas City International Airport project said that more minority contractors are benefiting from it being awarded the contract, even though the Federal Aviation Administration last month admonished the city's aviation department for not keeping better records of minority and women-owned business enterprise compliance.

the protest and decision reflect many of the tensions surrounding efforts to award contracts to minority, women and small companies, and how those intermix with tensions over local influence and out-of-town employers.


In August, 2020, the Kansas City Council asked the city’s aviation department not to proceed with the award of a $72-million concrete contract to Denver-based ESCO Construction, Inc. which was partnered with G2 Construction, a Kansas City woman-owned concrete contractor. Its president, Lisa Garney, is the daughter of Kansas City developer Charles Garney.

堪萨斯州市议会议员在2020年8月的会议上表示,他们的选民希望在混凝土合同上进行更公平的镜头。市议员梅利莎·罗宾逊(Melissa Robinson)在会议上说:“我们必须更好地分享蛋糕,以确保少数族裔拥有的公司和妇女拥有的公司能够通过该项目发展。”

理事会成员反对机场码头码头合资企业总承包商克拉克·魏茨·克拉克森(Clark Weitz Clarkson)的建议,向ESCO/G2集团授予混凝土套餐。理事会成员指出,在为MWBES提议的ESCO/G2竞标的2300万美元中,只有300万美元将涉足少数族裔公司,而2,000万美元的总统Garney是White。

丽莎·加尼(Lisa Garney),G2建筑

ESCO/G2 was never awarded the work and, after more bids were asked for, the city awarded the $72-million contract to Ideker of St. Joseph, Mo., which is about 90 miles from Kansas City. ESCO/G2 had submitted a bid that was $1.5 million lower than that of Ideker, but that company eventually won the contract. Its bid included $23 million for 11 different minority and women-owned business enterprises in its bid, many of them Kansas City-based.


“We expect the city to take immediate steps to correct the identified deficiencies, starting with proposed corrective actions and timelines for each finding,” the FAA said.


“I put my heart and soul into securing this contract and I invested substantial sums to obtain [it] only to have [it] pulled away," she said. "The award would have been a beacon for the inclusion of minorities and women in the project. Instead, the city attacked me as a woman-owned business to steer the contract to a political favorite."

pAul Ideker是大堪萨斯城重型建筑商协会主席。尽管伊德克坚持认为没有影响他的公司的影响本地一个。此外,这些承包商辩称,在合同中专注于少数民族和妇女拥有的企业的2300万美元中的2000万美元不仅仅是一家妇女拥有的公司。




While theFAA 2月9日的信指控该航空部未能正确跟踪MWBE的机场项目,开发商Edgemoor基础设施和马里兰州贝塞斯达(Bethesda)的房地产,并坚持认为这是不正确的。它说,不仅有其承包商克拉克·韦兹·克拉克森(Clark Weitz Clarkson)跟踪了参与,而且该信息很容易从另一个城市部门提供给该机构。

Kansas City’s Human Relations Dept. has records of contracts worth $319.8 million, or 21%, of the project’s budget that have been awarded to minority- or women-owned firms. That exceeds the 20% goal set by the city, according to Geoff Stricker, senior managing director of Edgemoor.


保罗·伊德克(Paul Ideker)表示,他的公司已经实现了少数族裔和妇女拥有的企业招聘的目标,并且具体的工作为当地建筑行业带来了约200个工作岗位。
