
"A few contracts are pivoting to PDB," said Brad Owen, Metro executive officer for program management, noting the planned East San Fernando light rail project as an example. He added that the agency is considering how to implement training programs and "how to get industry to understand [PDB] is here."

That estimated $2-billion project will entail 6.7 miles, 11 stations and a public-private partnership for solar panels, said Monica Born, Metro deputy executive officer, adding that it will be advertised this spring. "We listened to the industry and we are trying [PDB]," she said.


The Metro board approved used of CM/GC in late 2019 for the approximately $2-billion Link Union Station project. "CM/GC is not new, just new to the public sector," said Jeanet Owens, Metro executive officer for program management of regional rail.

Transit agencies in Dallas, Portland and Seattle have utilized the method in recent years.

Metro has been utilizing design-build on projects such as the $3.6-billion Purple Line extension to LA's West side, with a $410-million contract for tunnels and a $1.3-billion contract for stations, said Kimberly Ong, Metro executive officer of project engineering.

Metro's move toward PDB and CM/GC comes as California moves away from highway capacity-building projects, notes Jim Beil, executive director of capital programs for the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA), which is currently widening 16 miles of Interstate 405 in a $1.2-billion design-build contract. Under the IIJA, any highway projects would have to mitigate vehicle miles traveled and costs to lower-income populations. Under state climate change goals, "we will see a big change on regional transportation plans," Beil said. "We may see more priced managed lanes. There will be new opportunities for efficiency projects such as connected roads and signal coordination.


Using Technology Solutions

With geopolitical uncertainties such as the Russian-Ukraine war and COVID-19, as well as domestic issues such as the Teamsters strike in Washington state, labor and material costs are an ongoing issue.

美国相关总承包商加利福尼亚分会首席执行官彼得·泰蒂希(Peter Tateishi)指出,该州的劳动力成本正在显着上升,对项目构成了重大风险。新利18备用网址新利18备用官网登录此外,虽然本章不反对手工艺品的疫苗接种授权,但很难提供100%保证合规性的证明。

Shortage of talent to keep craftworker crews filled requires a major change in general perceptions, Tateishi added, noting the narrative of "the greedy contractor, the butt-crack plumber, the lazy worker." In focus groups, two women said, "I'd rather my son go into the military than into construction," he recalled. "We have to change the narrative."

One way to do that is for construction companies to identify themselves as "technology companies building things," said Rose Hall, head of construction innovation for AXA XL North America, which provides insurance and risk management. The younger generations "do not want to plug and chug RFIs all day long," she said. "If they are encouraged to fail on a tech experiment, that's what will attract [them]."



In many cases, airport passenger levels are not quite back up to pre-pandemic levels, but capital plans are poised to move out of holding patterns.

长滩机场主任辛西娅·吉德里(Cynthia Guidry)表示:“我们仍然比大流行前的水平下降20%,但我们感到未来有希望。”由于收入下降,该机场与其设计建造承包商合作以重新建造建设,并且不得不从机场租户推迟付款。

Joan Zatopek, aviation planning and development manager for the Port of Oakland, noted that being part of a port authority helped the airport, since marine traffic did not decrease during the pandemic. "We had one project, a construction-management-at-risk where we agreed to a guaranteed maximum price, that got put on the shelf," she said. The contractor team now has to bid again for the job. "We need better collaboration, and to help each other out."

Kaveh Dabiran, west regional director of planning and development for United Airlines, said that better collaboration between airlines and airports did happen during the pandemic. "Now we don't sit in our respective corners...we went through a challenging time together."
