Former Ill. House Speaker Michael Madigan was indicted March 2 on 22 counts of public corruption, including bribery, racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud and attempted extortion. Madigan, 79, stepped down from his speakership and his House seat in early 2021.

Whilethe 106-page indictmentcovers a decade of actions by the former legislator and head of the Illinois Democratic party, one of the earliest acts that seems to have caught the attention of U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch was a 2014 meeting recorded by a cooperating witness, developer See Y. Wong.

The developer met with then-Chicago Alderman Danny Solis, Madigan and other employees of Wong's Wabash Development Group at Madigan’s law firm, Madigan & Getzendanner, which specializes in real estate tax appeals. Wong agreed to hire the firm in exchange for legislative help getting the project, known as Canal Crossing, through the hurdles of permitting, land acquisition and approval. Soon thereafter Solis began to cooperate with the federal corruption probe and recorded Madigan as well. Wongpleaded guilty in late 2020 to defrauding banksinvolved with the deal. Solis entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the government in 2019.

这是麦迪根(Madigan)或他的立法助手干预建筑项目以换取法律工作或立法行动的起诉书中所指控的几种情况之一,这些助理将有助于将项目移动或制止一个不需要的项目。新利18备用网址起诉书称Madigan的政治行动为“ Madigan Enterprise”,并断言,它存在“维护和增强Madigan的政治权力和财务福祉”,并“奖励Madigan的政治盟友”,包括利用他的束缚在立法过程中的束缚据称,麦迪根亲自赚了300万美元,企业的各种行动。

"The indictment alleges a long-term, multifaceted scheme to use public positions for unlawful gain, including no-show or low-show jobs for Madigan's political workers and private gain for Madigan himself," said Lausch, at at March 2 news conference at the Everett M. Dirksen Federal Courthouse in Chicago.

Michael McClain, 74, a former legislator and lobbyist and longtime confidant of Madigan, was also indicted in the conspiracy. The indictment alleges that, in 2018, McClain told a Madigan staff member to make sure Madigan voted "present" on a bill concerning the transfer of the Chinatown land parcel involved in the development deal because the bill concerned "a developer of his."

If Madigan voted present or abstained on such votes, it would appear that he was recusing himself from voting on a matter involving a Madigan & Getzendanner client, but since the firm was allegedly hired specifically to move the vote and deal along, voting present was actually a matter of concealment to make it appear that he was uninvolved in efforts to transfer the land parcel, rather than recusal, the indictment alleges. That McClain is quoted as saying "our developers" seemingly implies that there were other developers with similar arrangements with Madigan and his law firm.

更多起诉书专门致力于伊利诺伊州公共事业联邦爱迪生(Exelon Corp)的伊利诺伊州公共事业联邦爱迪生(Exelon Corp.,马迪根(Madigan)采取了立法,以提高利率和现代化公用事业网格,同时还停止了针对电力供应商改革的努力,这将损害Comed的利润。据称Comed已向Madigan或他的同事捐款130万美元。

喜剧agreed to pay2020年2亿美元的罚款作为递延的一部分prosecution and admitted guilt in the matter in 2020. The agreement detailed how ComEd requests were funneled through McClain and how he developed a 2011 plan to pay two Madigan associates indirectly as subcontractors even though they did little or no work for the utility. In 2018, the document alleges that McClain asked former ComEd CEO Anne Pramaggiore to hire a Madigan ally who was retiring from the Chicago City Council. Pramaggiore was indicted separately in the probe.


Instead, he said: "The government is attempting to criminalize a routine constituent service: job recommendations. That is not illegal, and these other charges are equally unfounded. I adamantly deny these accusations."

While Madigan maintains his innocence, ComEd has since distanced itself from the former speaker.

"We are not in a position to comment on charges related to the former speaker or beyond what is in the statement of facts in ComEd's deferred prosecution agreement, which resolved the U.S. Attorney's Office's investigation into ComEd and Exelon," the utility said in a statement. ComEd added that it has "implemented comprehensive ethics and compliance reforms to ensure that the unacceptable conduct outlined in the agreement never happens again."

伊利诺斯州州长J.B.普利兹克(D)发表在《印第安纳州ictment and is alleged to have met with Madigan in Dec. 2018. The government alleges Madigan asked Pritzker to give Solis a $93,000-a-year state board position, supposedly as a reward for helping Madigan win business for his law firm. Solis stepped down in 2019 and did not receive any position from Pritzker. The governor said in a statement he did not remember any such meeting.

普里兹克在声明中说:“对这种规模的起诉是对感染了付费承诺的系统的谴责,伊利诺伊州政客之间的腐败和自我交流时代必须结束。”“这项起诉书中所称的行为是可悲的,违反了公众的信任。迈克尔·麦迪根(Michael Madigan)必须在法律的最大范围内负责。”

The most serious charges in the indictment carry a 20-year federal prison sentence.