Led by several megaprojects, the construction industry in Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico strengthened in 2021. The top 25 projects on ENR Southwest’s annual Top Starts ranking represent $41.7 billion in value; in contrast, the pandemic-impacted 2020 total was $5.19 billion.

“I definitely would not call 2021 a ‘rebound,’ as [2020] was an excellent year for many of our members,” says David Martin, president, Arizona Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of America in Phoenix. “We are grateful that Governor [Doug] Ducey declared our industry as essential during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of our public and private clients took this momentum into 2021, which was also an excellent year for all sectors of the industry.”

内华达州AGC首席执行官AGC首席执行官Craig Madole补充说:“去年对于商业和公共工程建设的承包商来说,这主要是横幅的一年。”“在接下来的几年中,事情似乎非常有利。州经济已帮助保持公共工程市场的强劲,联邦政府的投资很大。许多大型私人项目继续从地上出来,并为承包商提供新利18备用网址积压。”

Projects with confidential costs or for which total or construction costs could not be independently verified were not included in the Top Starts ranking.
Leading the region are the $20-billion Intel FAB 52 & FAB 62 Chip Factories in Chandler. They represent the largest private-sector investment in Arizona history, expected to be production ready in 2024. The two semiconductor plants are adjacent to four existing factories at the Ocotillo campus, the company’s main North American high-volume fabrication facility. They will manufacture products on Intel’s latest process technology and generate 3,000 construction jobs, create 3,000-plus Intel jobs and support an estimated 15,000 indirect jobs in the community.

In Phoenix, another megaproject, the $12-billion Taiwan Semiconductor Factory, also is scheduled for completion by 2024.


As a result, contractors were bullish approaching 2022, he says, referring to AGC’s annual Hiring and Business Outlook Survey.

“The highest positive readings were for infrastructure niches: bridge/highway, transportation such as airports and rail and water/sewer. The only segments for which more respondents said they expect the market to shrink were retail and private office construction,” he says.



In Rio Rancho, N.M., the $3.5-billion Intel plant—the largest private-sector investment in state history—is expected to be ready in late 2022 to manufacture advanced semiconductor packaging technologies.


在亚利桑那州七叶树附近,由Nextera Energy Resources拥有的6亿美元的Sonoran太阳能项目包括大约3,000英亩的光伏阵列,支持结构,储能,储能和连接到Salt River Project(SRP)公用事业的Tie Gen Tie系列变电站。SRP说,预计将生产260兆瓦的电力和260兆瓦的电池存储(必须为91,000户),这将是该州最大的太阳能电池项目。

在新墨西哥,2.62亿美元Aragonne台面Wind 145 MW and the Aragonne Repower 90 MW projects, both in Guadalupe County, began using GE wind technology in December 2021 to help Arizona Public Service, the state’s largest provider of electricity, achieve its goal of delivering 100% carbon-free electricity to its customers by 2050. Both projects are owned by Leeward Renewable Energy Group LLC.

Transportation infrastructure also is booming across the region. The $776.59-million Interstate 10 Broadway Curve Improvement Project is ADOT’s largest-ever urban freeway reconstruction, including 11 miles of I-10 in the Phoenix metro area. The roadway should be complete in late 2024.

In northwest Las Vegas, the $155-million Centennial Bowl Phase 3D completes a $281.1-million project NDOT began in 2015. It builds out the remaining three ramps to finish the system-to-system interchange and highway expansions. The project is targeted for mid-2024 completion.

Other Sectors Surge

The region’s hospitality sector was hit hard by the pandemic. However, the $500-million, 67-story Fontainebleau Las Vegas is expected to open in the fourth quarter of 2023. Additionally, the $125-million Omni Hotel and Convention Center in Tempe should be complete by spring 2023.



Health care projects thrived despite pandemic effects on the system. The $243-million Banner Gateway Medical Center Tower Expansion in Gilbert, Ariz., is scheduled for completion in early 2023. With 109 new patient beds, the 198,000-sq-ft, five-story tower will double the size of the medical center campus; a 112,000-sq-ft, three-level addition also will expand the diagnostics and treatment building.


高密度的住宅也很强大,由耗资200万美元的Culdesac tempe领导,由所有者描述为该国的第一个无汽车社区。它应该在12月准备好入住。

区域领导人谨慎乐观地展望。“我们对2022年和2023年充满希望,”阿尔伯克基ABC新墨西哥州总裁兼首席执行官卡拉·库格勒(Carla Kugler)说。“通过《基础设施投资和就业法》,预计将融入[各州]的联邦资金应保持建筑繁忙多年。而且,在州一级,新墨西哥州的预算也充满了基础设施的资金。”

AGC Arizona’s Martin agrees: “I am extremely optimistic for our industry for at least the next 3 to 5 years. With the growth of our state and continued investment in infrastructure, 2022 and 2023 will continue in the same fashion as 2021.”