结构工程公司监督restoration of the Champlain Towers South condominium in Surfside, Fla., prior to its deadly 2021 collapse has agreed to a tentative legal settlement with survivors of the 98 residents killed in the disaster.



The firm’s $9-million repair cost estimate nearly doubled as association leaders and residents debated whether to move forward with the plan.

In a statement, Morabito Consultants defended its work as having been performed consistent with the highest industry standards. While the firm denied liability for the building’s collapse, “we also firmly believe that the families who have suffered from this tragedy deserve compensation so that they may focus on healing. We therefore applaud the settlement reached by our insurers to resolve these difficult issues fairly and expeditiously.”

The settlement comes as Florida’s legislature considers proposals mandating statewide minimum structural recertification inspections and post-occupancy whole building safety inspections. Separate measures in the state’s House and Senate incorporate recommendations developed by acoalition佛罗里达建筑行业专业团体将需要一个两相建筑的重新认证过程,类似于迈阿密戴德和布劳沃德县的建筑物。

佛罗里达工程学会执行董事艾伦·道格拉斯(Allen Douglas)和佛罗里达州的美国工程公司委员会表示,尽管必须调和这两个法案的差异,但“定期检查多户家庭在全州范围内在选民中享有强有力的支持”,并补充说,并补充说。I feel that we’ll get something” before the legislature adjourns on March 11.