



BLM and the Corps approved the road plan in 2020 and officials agreed to issue a 50-year right-of-way for the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, the state public corporation working to develop the project.

But the Biden administration reversed that course in a federal district court filing Feb. 22, claiming that the US Interior Dept. had identified problems with the approval’s underlying analyses related to the National Environmental Protection Act, National Historic Preservation Act and Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, which would need to be redone.



内政部暂停通行权可能会停止一些或全部工作。阿拉斯加机构批评审查计划的举动。主席达娜·普鲁斯(Dana Pruhs)说:“这是一项薄薄的尝试,以任何必要的方式关闭Ambler Access项目,包括完全无视健壮的多年,数百万美元的评论,正当程序和具有法律约束力的协议。”一份声明。

Tjhe state agemcy has highlighted the road project as a key link for the mining district, which it says would support more than 3,900 jobs with combined annual wages of more than $300 million once mines are operational.

The road would cross 26 miles of BLM-managed land, 26 miles of Gates of the Arctic National Preserve and traditional homeland of Alaska Native communities including the Koyukon, Tanana Athabascans and Iñupiat peoples. Opponents of the plan say it could have negative impacts on the environment and on local peoples’ subsistence lifestyles, and that the earlier environmental review of the project didn’t appropriately consider the potential impacts of related items such as gravel mines along the route.

Brian Ridley, president of the Tanana Chiefs Conference, an Alaska Native group suing to stop the project, said in a statement that the proposed road “represents a fundamental threat to our people, our subsistence way of life and our cultural resources.”