With the broad adoption of reality capture and the recent arrival of automated construction progress tracking, builders now have access to more objective, easy-to-access data than ever before. Project teams who have historically used manual progress tracking processes are now looking to supplement their current tracking methods with objective data, and teams facing manpower constraints are now able to get ahead of potential impacts to schedule and avoid time-consuming disputes or disagreements. This technology is proving very useful: but it can be difficult to evaluate and choose the right progress tracking tool. Below, we share a few important criteria to help teams navigate these decisions.


结果,这种准确,及时的进度信息使项目高管,项目经理和总监可以专注于最大化时间表和预算绩效。自动进度跟踪跟踪为我们的行业提出了新的问题 - 我们对这些技术有何影响,如何评估这些新解决方案?


However, in the construction industry we have still struggled to capture and utilize much of the key information that impacts schedule and budget. Construction faces a unique set of challenges because, unlike our counterparts in other industries, almost every project is different. And up until this point, many of our decisions have been based on intuition or spotty information, gathered by hand. In an effort to close this information gap, many innovative GCs and trades have developed manual or even partially automated systems to track project progress. Additionally, approaches like batch planning and IPD take steps to address this challenging process. It is common for superintendents to track progress by highlighting drawings when materials are installed or for trades to provide weekly or daily progress updates, because in our industry, accurate progress information allows us to plan, react, solve and, ultimately, deliver projects on time and on budget.


特纳(Turner)高级项目经理凯文·奥特(Kevin Ott)说:“制作这些图表的能力使我们能够证明我们正在按照讨论/预期进行工作。”“这给我们带来了竞争优势。但更重要的是,它为我们的贸易伙伴带来了竞争优势。将来,当我们竞标工作时,他们知道我们正在成功地管理工作人员,并且我们将保持效率非常高,这意味着他们可以为我们提供更好的[BID]数字。因此,这些工具可以帮助我们成为更好的建筑商,并取得更多的工作。”

The company I co-founded,OpenSpace,已经使用计算机视觉,AI和机器学习来开发自动检测和跟踪已安装在网站上的材料的技术。我们的目标是为项目团队提供对项目的可见性,并提供可行的数据。新利18备用网址我们反复听到项目团队的声音,他们需要有关项目的更多信息,以便快速行动并做出更好的决定。新利18备用网址借助我们的进度跟踪工具,团队可以看到其项目中安装的百分比和数量。新利18备用网址




首先要考虑当评估automated progress tracking solutions is delivery speed. When making any decision based on data, the decision will only be as good as the quality of the data. In construction, where job progress is made every day, this means that progress data needs to be available while it is still relevant and timely. Automated progress tracking solutions work by first capturing your jobsite with 360° cameras or laser scan technology and then automatically analyzing these captures to determine percent complete. With automated progress tracking solutions, there are three main areas in this process where speed impacts information delivery: 1) Speed to capture 2) Speed of image or scan processing 3) Speed of insight availability. Teams should inquire about each of these areas when evaluating solutions.

Capture Speed:对于大多数团队来说,执行实际捕获需要快速且易于简单。某些捕获类型的天生会比其他类型更长。例如,激光扫描需要时间和清晰的工作岗位才能​​获得准确的读数。

Image or Scan Processing Speed:Most companies who offer automated tracking solutions will also automatically align the captured image or scan data back to your drawings so that your team can see the capture data overlaid on the plans. These overlaid captures are highly valuable on their own, enabling virtual site monitoring and review. Capture technology has been around longer than progress tracking technology, so these insights can be processed faster.

Depending on the solution you choose, progress data could take days to process, but you should expect image or scan data to be available to you in a matter of hours—or minutes—so that you can act on the current state of your project.

Insight processing speed:最后,在评估进度跟踪解决方案时,洞察力处理速度至关重要。洞察处理速度是完成捕获以完成百分比的捕获,并安装了数量的信息以获得可用的时间。

今天,团队利用一个非盟的通用工作流tomated progress tracking solution is for a project engineer to perform the capture at the end of the work day, and for the PMs and superintendents to review the insights the next morning in order to plan, discuss and react to potential risks, approve pay apps, and coordinate trades. Any insight processing speeds greater than 12 hours make it difficult for teams to act on fresh, timely data.



自动进度跟踪解决方案的主要优点之一是一致性和准确性。准确的数据使团队能够自信地做出决策,减少辩论并专注于建设。当项目团队与高度准确和客观的数据合作时,他们能够可靠地批准付费应用程序,更容易与交易合作以进行员工调整,并自信地将工作进度与利益相关者传达。拥有客观的数据使自我从讨论中脱颖而出 - 方面很容易就当前进度的同一页面,并专注于改进或重新恢复正轨。质量进度跟踪解决方案目前应有客户报告其自我表演团队所估计的1%至2%的准确性。


Think about completeness in automated progress tracking in two ways: 1) tracking completeness and 2) solution completeness.


For solution completeness, you should consider what functionality you are getting when you sign up to pay for the product. With progress tracking solutions, your insights will only be as good as your capture frequency, but some progress tracking solutions will charge you based on how much you want to capture. This means that if you are looking for a more complete picture of your job’s progress, it is going to cost you. Another point to consider from a solution completeness perspective is how the solution handles changes. If you have a change to a specific scope on your project, are these changes included in your pricing or will you have to pay for every change a la carte?



Scalability can be considered in two ways. First, how easy is a solution to implement and adopt on a specific project. Second, how scalable is the solution to roll out across your entire portfolio?

On a single project, first, consider how long it will take for the automated progress tracking solution to be set up. Once a solution is purchased, how long will it take until teams can start capturing and reviewing insights? Today, some amount of set up is still required with these solutions, but this can range from about two weeks to two months. It is important to inquire about hardware delivery, elements required for set up and set up time. Additionally, once the solution is set up, teams should consider how easy it will be to use. Solutions should fit in with your existing workflows and require very little training. Solutions should also be intuitive, making them easy for team members with varying levels of comfort with technology to use, understand, and gain value from.

When considering adoption at a portfolio level, companies should evaluate how modular the solution is. Different projects will require different reality capture and tracking needs. For smaller projects that may only take one to two months, it might not make sense to fully implement a progress tracking solution, but teams will still benefit from capturing image data. If companies are seeking a solution that could be implemented on any project in their portfolio, that solution needs to be modular. Project teams need to be able to customize the solution to fit the needs and budget of individual projects.

Data Coverage

While automated progress tracking provides teams with insights about percent complete and quantity installed, teams can also find a lot of value in the capture data that powers these insights. Processing this capture data and aligning it to plans can be costly, and as such some progress tracking solutions will pick and choose which data to align and display. One of the main ways that teams use this raw reality capture data is to resolve disputes or conflicts that may arise after work has been completed. If teams only have access to a fraction of their capture data, they will not have the information they need to work through these challenging situations in the future. When evaluating data coverage, teams can ask questions about which captures are selected, aligned, and accessible, and carefully consider the implications associated with incomplete data.

