The U.S. Dept. of Transportation continues its rollout of funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, seeking applications for a new机场航站楼赠款计划and for an expandedmaritime port grant program

DOT’s Federal Aviation Administration on Feb. 22 issued a“notice of funding opportunity"有10亿美元的机场航站楼计划补助金。该金额代表了根据《基础设施投资和就业法》制定的该计划的五年,50亿美元分配的2022财年部分。




In addition, rail access projects are eligible for the new Airport Terminal Program grants.


Joel Bacon, American Association of Airport Executives executive vice president for government and public affairs, said in an interview that the new program is "obviously a welcome step forward."

Bacon added, "The demand for terminal projects and upgrades is huge at airports across the country. You're dealing in many instances with buildings and facilities that are decades old and built for traffic levels much smaller than we have today and security requirements that are much different than we see in the wake of 9/11."

"There's tens of billions of dollars of documented terminal projects on the books at airports across the country, so demand [for the new grants] will far exceed the supply of federal funds."

Bacon said, "With traffic returning to the system following the pandemic, it's good timing to have some federal resources in the queue to help airports address ongoing terminal needs."

他还指出,来自另一个重要的机场基础设施资金来源的收入,大流行后,客运设施的收费急剧下降。FAA数据show that PFC revenue dropped 53% in 2020 to $1.7 billion, from 2019's $3.6 billion.

运输秒皮特·巴特吉格(Pete Buttigieg)在statement,“我们有一个一代的机会不仅建立新的机场航站楼,而且还以一种机会为遗忘社区,增加竞争并减少环境影响的方式建造它们。”





FAA released the逐个机场分配1222财政年度为29亿美元的股份,该份额在12月的150亿美元资金中。


DOT’s Maritime Administration on Feb. 23 announced the availability of about $450 million in 2022 Port Infrastructure Development Program grants. Applications are due by May 16, and a senior Biden administration official said in a Feb. 22 media briefing that DOT anticipates the grant awards will be made in the fall. “We will move as quickly a possible.”

The IIJA provides a total of $2.25 billion over five years, The notice applies to the 2022 installment of $450 million. That represents an increase of 50% from 2021’s $300-million appropriation.

Maritime Administration officials added that these grants will help the U.S. expand terminals, construct new piers, freight rail yards and storage facilities so goods move more quickly, for broader economic benefits. As one official said during the briefing: “These investments in port infrastructure will help get American goods to market and products from ships to shelves faster, ultimately reducing costs to the American people."