在跨越多年的国际贿赂案中的最新发展中,尼日利亚将从2021年的协议中获得超过286,000美元的$ 286,000,该协议与现已倒闭的AMEC Foster Wheeler PLC涉及海外石油和天然气项目的腐败指控。新利18备用网址

The receipt of the funds follows the Feb. 21 signing of a memorandum of understanding between the U.K. and Nigeria,英国严重欺诈办公室(SFO)SAId。2021年的协议是在AMEC Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd.和SFO之间。

The Amec Foster Wheeler “offenses of corruption” occurred from 1996 to 2014 and took place in Nigeria, Malaysia, India and Brazil, the SFO said.

According to the 2021indictment, a now-dissolved Foster Wheeler subsidiary made “corrupt payments” to officials at the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. and the Eleme Petrochemical Co. Ltd. related to a contract for “technical backup services” at an olefins plant at Eleme, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Foster Wheeler had signed a contract in 1995 to operate and maintain the facility.

The new funds will help finance three infrastructure projects in Nigeria.

According to the SFO, the projects are the Lagos-to-Ibadan Expressway, the Abuja to Kano Road; and the Second Niger Bridge.

SFO Director Lisa Osofsky said in a statement that she was “delighted that the tenacity of my SFO colleagues has resulted in the people of Nigeria being compensated in a way that will truly benefit them.”


AMEC PLC于2014年11月收购了Foster Wheeler,John Wood Group Plc于2017年10月收购了合并后的公司。陈述所谓的付款与伍德收购公司之前的AMEC寄养惠勒活动有关。

Under the 2021 agreement, Wood and its Amec Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd. subsidiary paid penalties and costs to the U.K., U.S. and Brazil, according to the SFO. The total payment was about $177 million. The U.K. was to receive about $142 million, at the exchange rate at the time.

In June 2021 DOJ entered into a deferred prosecution agreement in which Amec Foster Wheeler agreed to pay $18.4 million to settle charges of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

In a related U.S. civil proceeding, the Securities and Exchange Commission, said the company agreed to pay $22.7 million for alleged bribes paid in Brazil.

Wood chief executive Robin Watson said in the 2021 statement, "The investigations brought to light unacceptable, albeit historical, behavior that I condemn in the strongest terms."


Story changed on 2/23/22 to reflect clarification from the Serious Fraud Office that the funds sent to Nigeria were part of the 2021 settlement and not from the U.K. government.