
"I’ve been waiting for [something like this] for as long as I've been in the industry," says Kari Nöjd, sustainability technology manager at engineering firm Sweco Rakennetekniikka Oy, which is designing a roughly $30-million extension to a sports center in Imarat, Finland.


Instead of focusing only on cost and schedule, more owners also are "asking which alternative has the lowest embodied carbon, and that is something structural designers need to be able to answer," he says.

Speedy Assessments

Sweco helped to integrate digital design packages from software firm Trimble Inc. with the vast database of construction material embodied carbon levels held by the Finnish company One Click LCA.

公司总裁帕努·帕萨宁(Panu Pasanen)表示,此前,设计师在电子表格中编制了项目碳数据,并将其上传到公司。他补充说,将设计软件与数据库集成为“快10倍……这使人们可以更频繁地,更早地和更多项目进行[碳分析]”。新利18备用网址


The firm and Trimble launched the system in 2016, "but the structural engineering profession ... was not sensitized to the need and opportunities," recalls Pasanen. "The market has changed quite significantly since then."

随后对Trimble的Tekla设计和详细软件以及其协作平台进行了重新启动。帕萨宁说,现在两家公司正在培训八个国家 /地区的用户。

Reducing embodied carbon can have a big effect long term "We are roughly doubling global building stock in the next 40 years," says Pasanen. "This is going to create carbon emissions that equate approximately to six years of global energy carbon emissions ... [and] it's all up front," he adds.

'Dramatic Effects'

可持续性解决方案副总裁Dietmar Grimm补充说,在设计过程的早期为结构设计师提供了信息。“如果您不尽早将这些信息提供给[设计师],那么在许多领域,人们就不会做到。”

Sweco的Nöjd说,随着其设计接近完成,Imatra Sports Hall将成为芬兰最初的“试图达到碳中立性”的建筑物之一。他补充说,到2025年到期的芬兰立法将要求新建筑物的所有者和大多数重大翻新,以证明遵守要求的碳足迹限制。

But embodied carbon is only part of the story. "Decarbonizing existing buildings is probably where the majority of carbon abatement is going to need to come from," says Stuart McLaren, director for net zero infrastructure at U.K.-based Atkins, part of the SNC-Lavalin Group.



The package basically aims to establish the existing emissions of an owner's portfolio of buildings, and benchmark them with reference to industry equivalents. The Atkins team then develops a strategic and detailed investment plan, including costs, schedule and other factors.

"For each building ... it also will show you what your program of delivery should look like and it's also providing all cost information you would need to be able to develop your ... business case. That's where we find our clients’ biggest challenges are," says McLaren.


UK Out in Front




With greater confidence in the data collection, particularly in the baseline and benchmarking, the supply chain can be engaged collaboratively, he hopes. "We can put our own skin in the game to help drive a much stronger partnership approach."