在建筑及工程行业每天g effective financial control is much more than producing a set of monthly accounts. It is also more than simply summing up the costs and resources of a project when it comes to an end. It requires dedicated governance that not only tracks costs in real time, but forecasts what might happen in the future – good or bad. Accurate project cost control is critical. With an industry constantly facing new challenges here are 4 tips for ensuring financial success.

IFS Infocenter

Integrated Project Cost Control & One Version of the Truth


我们需要real time and periodic project controlprocesses that allow us to control all aspects of a project’s performance including cost, revenue, variations, risk and opportunity, cash, quality, planned deliverables, progress, safety and compliance. All these dimensions financial and others can impact whether the project is delivered on time and at a high enough quality so that it meets the client’s expectations and delivers an acceptable profit.




Say No to Excel

实际上,这个话题本身就是一个博客,但就当今的目的而言:Microsoft Excel is turning 40 this year,它的能力得到了显着增强,但它们既不与建筑和工程行业保持一致,也不符合财务报告和降低风险。在最近的一项调查中发现建筑公司使用的电子表格中有90%包含临床错误。有如此多的公式,数据输入点和使用纸张的人员 - 不存在电子表格没有错误的机会。


Gaining true financial control requires tracking the full lifecycle of a project, starting at the inception of a project in the estimate/bidding phase and continuing through the construction and handover process and increasingly all the way through to the operations and maintenance of the asset that has been built. Successfully monitoring this cannot be achieved by using multiple disconnected excel spreadsheets; accuracy, visibility, control all it depends on using dedicated industry specific software.

two men at a desk


A typical project involves the coordination of many business functions, suppliers and sub-contractors. All the resources need to come together at the right time to keep the project on track so if you don’t have a joined-up view, the result will be resource shortages and reactive firefighting changes become the norm, not the exception. The inevitable outcome is that projects are delivered late, costs escalate, your company’s reputation is damaged and project margins decline.

To avoid this, we need a more joined up approach where the project plan is the glue that joins all the functions and their deliverables into a synchronized set of work. The resource requirements (materials, plant and equipment, labor and sub-contractors) are planned accurately so that shortages can be anticipated and avoided. In short, we need a more integrated approach where everyone is working to one plan using the same shared data with one view of the truth. With these new processes in place, we can create predictable project delivery outcomes and deliver high project performance and ultimately profitable projects.

So good project financial control is about making all elements of a project delivery process as effective and efficient as possible so they can have a positive impact on the financial outcome of the project and on the business overall. This concerns every process and function including business development, bidding and estimating, engineering, procurement, manufacturing where we have offsite manufacturing facilities, shipping and logistics, material control, plant and equipment, installation, erection and construction, quality, health and safety, cost control, project and commercial management.



But why?

它不需要这种方式——答案是adopt a simpler, more integrated system architecture that is not only designed for the industry but will evolve with it. As the adoption of new methods and techniques become necessary your business, functions and process can evolve with this simplified approach.

Is this it?

Unfortunately, not, these four points are just the tip of the iceberg as gaining true financial control requires more than adopting best practice processes and updating your system architecture. It takes a complete change in mindset and optimizing your entire business to focus on delivering project on time, on budget and at high quality.

什么时候IFS Cloud于去年推出, one of the main requirements for our construction and engineering customers was around enhancing our财务控制能力- 看到了新功能和新现金计划模块的引入。

Whilst I’m not suggesting you do this all at once, quite the opposite, identifying key areas for improvement based on their impact on the project outcome is a good place to start and build upon the construction industry is more dynamic that it has ever been and there will always be room to improve.

