eyrus, a cloud-based worksite intelligence platform used primarily by those supporting energy sector construction, recently closed a $12-million Series A investment funding round.

总部位于华盛顿特区的创业公司的资金由Spring Mountain Capital领导,设计软件巨头Autodesk加入了战略投资者。这一举动扩展了两家公司之间的合作伙伴关系。

Eyrus首席执行官兼联合创始人Alexandra McManus表示:“我们专注于实时收集信息,并在一个实现现实世界的工作流程和风险缓解的平台中提供信息,所有这些都集中在中央劳动力数据库围绕。”

The Eyrus platform automates collection of workforce data points—allowing project teams to improve attendance, timekeeping, safety and security data in real time. Since its founding Eyrus has been used on more thanr $220 billion worth of construction projects, it says. The platform allows general contractors to organize access control by trade or by certification.

McManus said that the company will use the new funding to grow its presence in Europe, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific regions.

"Eyrus allows our team to capture reliable and accurate labor and workforce data to validate on-site workforce in real-time. These meaningful metrics help us track labor, establish and analyze trends and enhance our teams' efficiency,” said Lou Aquilina, project controls manager at contractor Whiting-Turner.


Autodesk Construction Solutions的高级总监兼战略主管Sid Haksar说:“我们已经使用了这个术语 - 连接的结构 - 新利18备用网址指连接人员,项目和数据。”“但是,如果您考虑建设的本质,那是实际上建立了这些东西的人。几年前,我们对一家名为Bridgit的公司进行了投资,该公司确实在前端,围绕资源计划,这是是[工作室]的末端。”