福特汽车公司(Ford Motor Co.

福特的电动汽车足迹制造业总监格雷格·克里斯滕森(Greg Christensen)表示,在肯塔基州列克星敦的灰色建筑的支持下,总部位于密歇根州的索斯菲尔德的承包商正在领导该项目,福特和韩国电池制造商SK Innovation。

如前所新利18备用述,这个58亿美元的项目将包括建造两个电动电池电厂on a 1,500-acre campus in Glendale, Ky. The plants will have a combined capacity of 86 GWh per year, Ford says. The batteries will be used in next-generation Ford and Lincoln vehicles.

Similar to the Ford and SK joint蓝瓦尔市田纳西州的项目与沃尔布里奇(Walbridge)为总承包商,这些公司正在为BlueOval SK炮台公园寻找分包商和供应商。克里斯滕森说,福特,巴顿·马洛(Barton Malow)和格雷(Gray)于2月17日在肯塔基州伊丽莎白镇举办了一项分包商活动,并将举行更多的信息会议。巴顿·马洛(Barton Malow)也有一个页面上的页面它的网站与有兴趣从事该项目的任何人的联系。

“Ford, SK Innovation, Barton Malow and Gray are all committed to hiring a diverse local workforce to build the BlueOval SK Battery Park and this is the first step in ensuring that Kentuckians will be part of creating a new era of advanced manufacturing for this country,” Christensen said in a statement.

巴顿·马洛(Barton Malow)ranked No. 37 on ENR’s 2021前400名承包商list with $2.3 billion in revenue. The company has worked on previous Ford projects including renovations at a Chicago assembly plant and the Dearborn, Mich., powertrain fuel systems lab. Gray ranks 51st on the top contractors list with $1.6 billion in revenue and also has a history of auto industry projects.

福特aims to have production begin at the complex in 2025.