
的措施,引入2月9日,参议员马克·凯利(Mark Kelly)(D-Ariz。)将暂停天然气税,直到2023年1月1日。它不适用于对柴油燃料的联邦税。该计划的倡导者将其视为对通货膨胀率上升的高气价的回应。


The American Automobile Association报告2月16日,普通天然气的平均价格为3.514美元,而去年同期为2.519美元。


参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)(D-N.Y.)谈到了汽油税提案:“我们正在对此进行核心讨论。我们尚未担任核心小组的职位。”

Speaking at a Feb. 15 press briefing, Schumer added, “But it’s one of the things, of many things, that we're looking at in terms of reducing costs.” He also noted that some of the Senate bill’s supporters are “in tough races in 2022.”


国家沥青路面协会倡导执行副总裁杰伊·汉森(Jay Hansen)说:“这是一个真正的现场问题。”

Hansen said in a Feb.16 interview, "We just passed this gigantic infrastructure bill, [the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act], and now we’re going to turn around and starve it of the revenue that is needed to fully fund the bill."

Moreover, he said, “There’s no guarantee that the public would even see this savings," in the form of reduced prices at the pump.

美国道路与运输建筑商协会主席兼首席执行官戴夫·鲍尔(Dave Bauer)在2月9日给舒默和参议院少数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)的信中,称该提案为“短视和误导”。

Michael Johnson, National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association president and chief executive officer, said in a Feb. 16 statement that the proposal "will increase debt financing by billions and bring greater uncertainty to the solvency of the surface transportation system.”

Industry officials are worried about the long-term effect of a gas tax suspension. Bauer said it “would establish a precedent that the federal gas tax should be suspended during times of economic distress or when fuel prices are deemed too high.”

That action, he added, “would surround the largest single source of revenue for federal highway and public transportation investment with disruptive uncertainty.”

The next step for the bill is unclear. Hansen says the proposal could come up for a vote during the debate over an expected omnibus appropriations package in March.


Hansen is concerned about the trust fund's outlook if a gas tax "holiday" were put in place. "We're gong to be constantly chipping away at it, chipping away at it....to what end? he asks.



NSSGA's Johnson said, "Congress must get serious about reforms to funding the [trust fund] that are fair and applied to all transportation users, as doing so will bring greater certainty to fixing our nation's transportation networks."