能源公司Tellurian Inc.的一位女发言人说,贝希特尔将从4月开始全面建设,估计在路易斯安那州估计的250亿美元浮木液化天然气综合体,这是一份155亿美元的固定价格合同。

开发商执行董事长Charif Souki在本月早些时候的播客中表示,在公司完成财务谈判时,工作将在没有正式的最终投资决定的情况下开始。他在2月4日的公告中说:“我们有足够的资本来完成建设的第一年。”

The project, if built to full scope, would include five liquefaction trains, three LNG storage tanks, a marine terminal and 96-mile pipeline, with about 6,500 construction workers at peak.


FERC Tightens Gas Project Reviews

尽管该项目于2019年获得联邦能源监管委员会的建筑批准,但很可能面对新的代理商审查, as will other natural gas projects, over climate change, landowner and community impacts, as well as stated need for the fuel supply, in a FERC policy change approved 3-2. It updates policy in place since 1999 and affects both new and pending project approvals.


FERC "created a presumption that proposed projects with estimated greenhouse gas emissions of 100,000 metric tons per year of CO2 equivalent will have a significant impact on the environment," says Frederick Jauss IV, an attorney at Husch Blackwell LLP in a Feb. 17analysis

He adds that the information could be used "as a threshold trigger" to determine whether a project would need a more involved environmental impact statement during a NEPA review rather than an environmental review that had been typical.

Jauss termed the new policy "an unprecedented expansion of FERC’s consideration of environmental impacts of proposed projects," which will "undoubtedly be subject to judicial challenge."

Comments on the GHG policy can be filed through April 4.



For FERC Chairman Richard Glick, a Democrat named to lead the commission last year, "This is not some sort of political maneuver to get natural gas out of our system or to get natural gas to not be a fuel of choice in the future," he toldS&P Global。“我不是在这里为管道创造障碍。”

Meanwhile, the Sierra Club has filed a petition on behalf of Louisiana environmental groups that asks the US Environmental Protection Agency to deny Tellurian’s federal Clean Air Act operating permit request for the proposed terminal, claiming flaws in its application and an incorrect approval by the state's environmental agency based on errors in its emissions modeling.

Bechtel还表示,2月7日,它已经完成了在路易斯安那州Sabine Pass设施的第六次LNG处理火车上的工作,而Cheniere Energy项目提前完成了预算和预算范围。工作于2019年6月开始。该设施的总生产能力约为每年3000万吨。

Cheniere Energy said it could make a final investment decision this year on a proposed expansion of its Corpus Christi, Texas LNG facility.