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From climate change to the industry’s mental health crisis to its need for diversity, equity and inclusion, the urgency for industry change was a dominant theme of a joint conference of the Construction Users Roundtable and the Construction Industry Institute Feb. 7-9 in Orlando.

技术,资产可持续性,供应链和估计,权力(尽管有总体服务的关系如何建立信任),安全性以及吸引和留住人的重要性是主持人Gretness Consulting总裁兼首席执行官确定的首要问题,根据2022年所有者的研究,她由Curt和CII赞新利18备用助。尽管该研究中提到了许多成功案例,但受访者将行业DEI的平均评分为1.85,比例为1到4。相比之下,受访者对新利18备用行业的“对大流行的反应敏捷性”的评级为3.1。

Gagel also related her study to data showing the number of suicides in the construction industry to be an estimated four-to-five times that of the number of jobsite fatalities— another huge challenge for the industry, she noted. Gagel pitched audience members that they could be “the hero or heroine” of this story—by “coming together to forge powerful solutions that engage all stakeholders. The time for change is now.”

For this year’s survey, to achieve a “more holistic idea of what was happening” in the industry, Gagel expanded her data set beyond the 24 owners interviewed in previous studies to include representatives of 12 large A/E/C firm representatives as well as eight influencers.


Source: CURT/CII 2022 Owner Study


At the same time, CURT and CII, who had been exploring their own changes with the proposed formation of an alliance for research purposes, didn’t address the topic during the three-day meeting, although it previously had been on the agenda.

Greg Sizemore, CURT executive vice president, had updated members via email on Jan. 21 to explain that the University of Texas at Austin “instructed the Construction Industry Institute to terminate planning of the member-supported alliance between CII and CURT.” CII is based at the University of Texas.
Nevertheless, Sizemore’s email added, “It is obvious to us that the spirit of the alliance prevails. CURT will continue to pursue the concept of an alliance.”

CURT和CII-along工程和若干uction Contracting Association—announced in September 2020 “their intention to form an alliance to provide more resources and reduce overall costs to members,” according to an ENR story that fall. More recently, the prospect of the alliance had focused on CURT and CII collaborations.

在UT的ENR工程研究副院长John G. Eke新利18备用rdt在给ENR的一封电子邮件声明中指出,“ CII通过德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的治理不允许像提议的那样构建联盟。CII和Curt这两个组织打算在继续执行任务以改善建筑行业时寻找合作的方法。”

Stephen Mulva, director of CII, told ENR in a follow-up interview, “It’s important for CII to continue to collaborate with CURT and with other groups.”