
杜克能源公司will close 11 coal-fired plants 13 years earlier than previously announced and has budgeted $63 billion in capital expenditures over the next five years, with 80%, about $52 billion, “toward our clean energy transition,” Chairman and CEO Lynn Good told analysts in a Feb. 10 quarterly results call. “We’re executing the largest planned coal-fleet retirement in our industry, targeting energy from coal to represent less than 5% by 2030 and a full exit by 2035,” she said.

该公司的机队有16吉瓦的燃煤设备。即将关闭的六个工厂在北卡罗来纳州和南卡罗来纳州,中西部有四个,其中1个在佛罗里达州。首席财务官史蒂夫·扬(CFO Steve Young)说,杜克大学预计将在10年内投资超过1300亿美元用于舰队过渡和网格升级,包括延长核电站的寿命。

他说,到2035年,煤炭将被零碳资源和“审慎”投资取代,其BEREWS CREEK煤炭开火工厂在北卡罗来纳州will shift to 100% natural gasproduction, but with current capacity cut in half.

The utility is studying the long-term potential of hydrogen co-firing and storage to better ensure reliability in the absence of coal, including a pilot program launched this year for its natural gas power plants to include hydrogen technology "as it evolves,” Young said. Hydrogen investment would be about $4 billion, the firm said.

Duke also said it set a new net-zero by 2050 goal for its natural gas business that includes upstream methane and carbon emissions from purchased gas and downstream emissions from customer use.


佐治亚州的Power于1月31日提议在2028年退休12个燃煤设备,产生超过3500兆瓦的燃煤设备,再到2035年。该公司还将在2035年到2035年增加6 GW的可再生能源一代,到2030年的1,000兆瓦储能,并升级水电工厂运营,以提供40年的清洁能源。

Glenrock Associates的分析师Paul Patterson告诉ENR,“这些公告突出了持续的趋势。”新利18备用他说,随着对电力的有限需求,随着可再生能源的加剧,必须走一些事情。

标准普尔全球市场情报公司表示,美国公用事业将在2027年关闭51 GW的煤炭发电,另外23 GW于2028年退休。

但是一些观察者持怀疑态度。南部清洁能源联盟研究总监玛吉·肖伯(Maggie Shober)告诉他说:“到2035年,到2035年无煤的目标与无碳的目标不同。”格里斯特