

当地消防局官员认为,在Classen Curve公寓楼的几乎完整的325个单位广州,价值6500万美元,总损失。


总部位于休斯顿的房地产公司Hines和俄克拉荷马城投资公司Humphreys Capital是该项目的开发商。

The fire suppression system and a standpipe system, designed to deliver water to the building's upper floors for use by firefighters, were only operational in the development's completed first phase.
- 奥克拉荷马城消防局。

When the fire department arrived at 6:33 pm on Tuesday, smoke and fire were already visible on the structure's roof.

The fire suppression system and a standpipe system—designed to deliver water to the building's upper floors for use by firefighters—were only operational in the development's completed first phase. Neither of the systems were working in the rest of the structure.


TPO is "very difficult to ignite but once it is ignited it is very difficult to extinguish,” said Capt. Scott Douglas of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. His characterization of the material could not immediately be confirmed.


“建筑成衣的恶化ty quickly,” Douglas said. “Just a few hours in we removed everyone from interior operations and conducted defensive operations only.”


Additionally, the structure was divided into multiple individual code-regulated buildings. These individual sections were separated with walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete with a three-hour rating. According to fire department officials, they found not code violations.




NFPA的技术服务工程师Val Ziavras说:“没有黑白的答案,或者我们可能会在今年前解决。”“很大程度上取决于每个站点以及维持安全所需的特定要求。”

过去,类似的大火导致官员们专注于建筑材料(特别是木材)作为大火背后的主要罪魁祸首。国家多户住房委员会的建筑,开发和土地用途政策副总裁宝拉·西诺(Paula Cino)表示,方法可以掩盖更生产性的消防策略。

Fire-Prevention Partnership Needed


The fire protection group's standard for fire prevention during construction, NFPA 241, ensures that fire safety standards are maintained throughout the building process. It requires building owners to create an overall construction fire safety program and designate a fire-prevention manager for the construction process.
