The Biden administration has taken a major step toward implementing its plan to develop a nationwide network of charging stations for electric vehicles, by allocating an initial $615 million among states for the program.

The US Dept. of Transportation and Dept. of Energy on Feb. 10 announced state-by-state allotments for the first year’s formula funding for the EV charging station program, which was established by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).


A senior Biden administration official said in a Feb. 9 media briefing that funds will not be released immediately; states must first submit their implementation plans by Aug. 1 for DOT-DOE approval.






The program isn't starting from scratch, but will build on existing “alternative fuel corridors” around the country. “These corridors will form the spine of the national network of EV charging stations,” an official said.



Another official noted that with sales of electric vehicles and the number of EVs on the road growing rapidly, “we absolutely need to make sure that we have the charging infrastructure there and are ready to meet those vehicles when they get there.”

DOT and DOE also issued initial guidance for the program on Feb. 10. One benchmark is that the chargers should be no more than 50 miles apart, with some exceptions possible.


Federal funds will account for 80% of the costs of installing the charging stations; states will contribute a 20% matching share.

Lonnie Stephenson, president of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, said in a statement that IBEW is pleased that the DOT-DOE guidance “sets the foundation for the development of national standards and recognizes the need for quality training.”

Stephenson noted that the guidance mentions the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program as an example of “high-quality training.”


Morgan Folger, Destination: Zero Carbon director for advocacy group Environment America, said in a statement, “A more prolific charging network makes it easier for people to drive electric cars and feel confident they have a place to power up along the way.”