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This month, and after 21 years as editor-in-chief, Jan Tuchman hands off editorial staff leadership to Scott Blair, a 20-year ENR veteran and an award-winning writer and videographer, who has been managing editor for the past five years. “Scott carries on traditions of service journalism, integrity and courage expressed in the 1917 issue that first carried the name Engineering News-Record,” says Tuchman.

She will take up a new and important role with ENR as executive editor for events, focusing her expertise and network of industry leaders on expanding and strengthening ENR’s portfolio of in-person events and editorial webinars.

“在第一个问题中,创立Enr出版商James H. McGra新利18备用w写道,出版物必须不仅仅是印刷机和作家 - 它必须是一所机构,就像一所大学一样,它继续发展,并在世代相传中发展,“布莱尔”说。“本着这种精神,Enr继续介入视频新利18备用,播客,社交媒体和任何未来的方法,以服务我们的基本使命,以帮助我们的读者更有效,更安全地执行工作。”
在其他举动中,Scott Judy曾担任ENR ENSEAST的副编辑和ENR ENSEAST的编辑,成为执行编辑。新利18备用路易丝·普里耶(Louise Poirier)涵盖了德克萨斯州,路易斯安那州和西南部的基地,他站起来担任副编辑在创建ENR地区版本中的角色。新利18备用杰夫·鲁本斯通(Jeff Rubenstone)是16新利18备用年的老将,成为Enr的新闻副编辑,而杰夫·尤德斯(Jeff Yoders)从中西部地区的区域覆盖范围转变为技术和设备节拍,并与RubenStone合作覆盖了这些主题。

Of course with all of these moves, we will continue our tradition of seeking out the best journalists to continue strengthening ENR’s bench of editorial talent for the years ahead. Please join me in congratulating Jan in her new role, and Scott, Scott, Louise, Jeff and Jeff in their roles as ENR’s next generation of leaders!