
But on top of learning the ins and outs of a new system, the project team has had to contend with a sequence of challenges—including rising river levels, a Category 4 hurricane, environmental testing and pandemic-induced shortages of supplies and manpower.

The 68,923-sq-ft project at 2930 Burgundy St. in the historic Bywater neighborhood of New Orleans includes the ground-up construction of a mixed-use development with two structures: One is a five-story residential building with 69 apartment units, and the other is a two-story commercial building with 2,500 sq ft of ground-floor retail space, a rooftop pool and an indoor fitness center. The complex also features off-street parking.


Photos courtesy of Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC

绿色海岸绿色海岸建筑服务总监Stephanie Mezynski说:“这是一个很棒的城市填充地块,因此有机会将其放回商业并在网站上获得混合收入建筑,这对我们来说是令人兴奋的。”企业正在与Iris Development Co.开发该项目。

Lead contractor Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC (RGGC) is working with the developers and Rozas-Ward Architects in a design-assist capacity. PACE Group is providing civil, structural and foundation engineering.


steel and concrete structure

The team designed the steel and concrete structure to withstand southeast Louisiana storms.
Photos courtesy of Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC


One of the highlights of the five-story building’s design is a unique framing and flooring system, combining load-bearing, cold-form metal studs with Nucor Ecospan-branded composite joists to support them.

“Every inch of ceiling height becomes important when you’re trying to get a five-story building with only 55 ft.”
—Chad Leibe, Senior Superintendent, Ryan Gootee General Contractors

PACE Group had previously worked on other projects using cold-form studs, but none that combined this type of wall structure with composite joists. “I don’t believe it’s been done here in New Orleans,” says Johann Palacios, CEO and owner of PACE Group.


“The system basically takes the best features of related systems and puts them into this system,” Palacios says, adding that structural engineers have come to rely more on this option because of labor shortages and the escalating price of materials.

Cost-effectiveness is one advantage of the framing system, which is lightweight enough that it eliminates the need for a tower crane. “A tower crane can add a quarter-million to a half-million dollars to a project,” Palacios says.

Crews prepare the foundation

Crews prepare the foundation. Because construction was taking place on the site of a former rock crushing plant, the site had to undergo soil testing before work could proceed.
Photos courtesy of Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC


The joists allow for more room to run mechanical systems and allow for higher ceilings and, thus, lower overall building heights, which can be an advantage in New Orleans’ historic areas, where city requirements often limit how tall buildings can be.

“Every inch of ceiling height becomes important when you’re trying to get a five-story building with only 55 ft,” says Chad Leibe, senior superintendent for RGGC.

For the contractor, incorporating the cold-form metal framing system called for BIM modeling, which allowed the team to address issues that otherwise would have arisen during installation. “I think we were able to address 80% to 90% of conflicts before we put any material on site,” says Kevin Sprehe, project executive with RGGC.

concrete and steel supports

With a combination of concrete and steel supports, the structure is expected to have a longer-than-average life expectancy.
Photos courtesy of Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC


With the building going up in hurricane-prone New Orleans, the project team designed the steel and concrete structure to withstand southeast Louisiana storms.

In planning for a rectangular, five-story apartment building with rows of windows on every floor, the engineer took extra care to make sure the building could stand up to heavy winds.

“玻璃不是非常可靠或防风的材料。因此,许多窗口等于结构工程师的创造力机会,” Palacios说。


“A lot of times engineers will throw their hands up and say you have to get rid of these windows in order to have enough solid real estate to keep the building from blowing away,” Palacios says. “But we always approach it in a way to figure out how to design the building without forcing a change in aesthetics.”


“Hurricane Ida was a true test,” Palacios says of the storm, which made landfall Aug. 29, 2021, as a powerful Category 4 storm. “[The system] handled it well.”

five-story residential building

Crews frame out one of the levels of the five-story residential building.
Photos courtesy of Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC

Successive challenges

Along the way, the 2930 Burgundy project has encountered a host of challenges that required the project team to adapt to new plans and devise creative solutions.

Before work began, the project team learned that they would be building on the site of a former rock crushing plant. That meant before demolition work could start the site had to undergo soil testing to check for contaminants and it had to receive clearance from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The process took about six weeks to complete in early 2021.

—Johann Palacios, Owner and CEO, PACE Group



“A big positive was that with the construction and design, besides having some roof damage and having to do some Sheetrock repair, the building stood strong,” Leibe says. “There were no signs of stress on the building or any real movement.”

承包商迅速建立发电机和clean up the site. The team was able to assess the site just two days after Ida made landfall and replaced drywall and insulation in the weeks that followed.

Challenges related to COVID-19 were present throughout the project, and procuring materials amidst supply chain slowdowns became difficult.


To work around these delays, the contractor split up construction to work on one half of each floor at a time. “You’d get the bar joists and metal deck down for the first half of the second floor. Then that crew would move on to the second half while the concrete crew poured, and then the framing crew started right behind the concrete,” Leibe says.

Interior work is shown

Photos courtesy of Ryan Gootee General Contractors LLC

All systems go

In designing the stormwater system, the project team had to meet the city of New Orleans’ rigid requirements for stormwater management and drainage. Adding another layer of complexity, the city’s underground stormwater drainage connection at the Burgundy site is in a shallower location under the street than connections are in other parts of the city.

为了到达连接点,雨水管的长度是一个长停车场的长度。汽车公园由一个可渗透的铺路系统组成的区域,上面覆盖着薄薄的砾石层 - 另一种雨水管理解决方案。

When the contractor raised questions about the system, the engineer reached out to the vendor of the pipe to make sure the lot was safe enough to support the weight of vehicles without crushing the shallow pipe. If it wasn’t, the lot would need to be built higher and with more material, which would have raised costs. But the vendor was able to confirm the pipes could withstand the weight of the types of vehicles using the lot.


2930 Burgundy development

The 2930 Burgundy development will bring new commercial and residential space to the historic Bywater neighborhood of New Orleans.
Image courtesy of Rozas-Ward Architects

Pursuing efficiency, affordability

Designed to be Energy Star-certified, the complex incorporates a mix of durable and energy-efficient features, including energy efficient appliances, LED lighting, operable windows and stormwater retention.


The complex will offer below-market apartments along with market-rate units, which developers hope will offer more diverse opportunities for housing and contribute to the economic life of the area.

“这是一个综合用途项目,因此将一些就业和商业带入附近,并将其添加回到角落的商业建筑,就像几年前在这个附近的许多角落一样,” Mezynski说。
