
33个城市,州和地方政府have signed on to participate in the National Building Performance Standards Coalition, announced by the White House on Jan. 21. The group will work to develop frameworks and policies to be able to implement local and state performance standards in their communities.

Mark Chambers, senior director of building emissions and community resilience in the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said in a statement that the coalition “represents a uniquely impactful climate action opportunity for states, cities and their partners across the country to rally together in an effort to decarbonize our existing buildings.”

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy will provide participants with technical assistance, policy analysis and implementation tools, as well as opportunities for funding through a variety of vehicles, including DOE’s Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant program.

The White House also says it wants to ensure that environmental justice issues are a consideration in performance standards development and implementation. DOE has put out a request for proposals to “embed” energy justice into its technical and other assistance for the coalition participants. Announcements of awardees will be made sometime this spring.

根据Architecture 2030年,一家致力于解决气候变化的非营利组织,在全球范围内,建筑物是一座重要的温室气体发射极,每年造成近40%的碳排放量。尽管建筑绩效标准仍然相对较新,但越来越多的地方政府采用了它们,包括纽约市,华盛顿特区,丹佛和圣路易斯以及华盛顿州。但是,迄今为止,迄今为止尚未完全实施。这些标准为建筑物所有者创造了各种途径,以通过翻新或构造新建筑物以使其更有效,并逐渐实现超过设定间隔的目标减少,以减少随着时间的推移的排放。

市场转型研究所与其他团体紧密合作,例如自然资源防御委员会,人民气候创新中心,彭博城市项目和KRESGE基金会,一直是能源效率和实施建筑绩效标准的领先倡导者。IMT执行董事Lotte Schlegel表示,建立一个全国性的促进绩效标准的联盟发出了强烈的信号,表明建筑能源效率是解决气候变化的重要工具。


马里兰州蒙哥马利县(Montgomery County)是联盟成员之一,是美国第一批制定立法和辅助标准的互补政策的县之一,尽管该立法尚未清除县议会。Lindsey Shaw, manager of energy and sustainability programs in the county’s Dept. of Environmental Protection, says she is hopeful the coalition gives the county “a platform to talk to peer jurisdictions and share lessons learned,” as well as “activating technical assistance for both local jurisdictions and building owners that they are going to need through this process.”

该县执行官马克·埃里希(Marc Elrich)(D)同意与其他联盟合作伙伴合作将是交换信息并了解创新的做事方式的宝贵方式。但是他感到沮丧的是,建筑绩效标准立法是一项几乎没有反对的流行政策,在县议会中陷入了近一年的困扰。该县有一个积极的计划来解决气候变化。他说:“如果我们不通过BP,我们将无法实现气候变化目标。”