当学生今年秋天到达格里利·西高中(Greeley West High School)时,他们将受到一个完全改造的校园的欢迎,该校园的教室里是学校历史上第一次充满日光。



The project is on track for completion this summer, at which time the existing building will be demolished to make room for new parking lots that will welcome students and faculty back to their new and improved school.


Image courtesy HCM


Greeley West项目是科罗拉多州韦尔德县(Weld County)批准的几个地区范围的需求之一,这是2019年作为雄心勃勃的3.95亿美元债券措施的一部分。A&P建筑经理克里斯托弗·米克(Christopher Meek)说:“ 1960年代古老的时代学校(一个混凝土八角形的掩体)是黑暗而肮脏的,只有两个带窗户的教室,这不是一个很好的学习环境。”

该项目的主要建筑师HCM首席Matt Porta补充说:“从形式的方面来看,[老派]很有趣,但这都是具体和僵化的空间。”他说,相比之下,这所新学校旨在在两个教室外面拥抱户外灯,甚至这两家教室都与Windows的实验室相连。

The original high school’s architect had repeated similar building forms for numerous schools. With only a handful of those remaining in use, there was concern that Greeley West’s historic status could stand in the way of its removal. Once that obstacle was overcome, the primary challenge was to determine how to fit the new school on the campus while keeping the existing building operational throughout construction.



“在一个被占领的网站上的建设构成了最大的挑战之一,因为无处可让孩子们进行演示和重建,”韦尔德县学区的支持服务助理总监肯特·亨森(Kent Henson)说:“解决方案是解决问题。wedge the 270,000-square-foot building into the space between the existing building and the athletic field, and that has resulted in 100% of the project being built with 1,750 kids within an arm’s reach.”

An arc-shaped design keeps the building at the heart of the campus, where the new structure weaves between the current athletic field to the west and the existing school building to the east. Porta says the entrance was hard to find in the original building, and the curve of the new plan not only provides a clear and graceful building organization but also offers a tactical security advantage with clear and controlled lines of sight. The entryway leads to a secure vestibule where visitors immediately check in with someone in administration. From there you can look through the hub into a two-story open and airy space with access to an outdoor courtyard.



Image courtesy HCM



- 韦尔德县学区助理校长肯特·亨森(Kent Henson)6

建筑构造与55-ft-tall precast panels that sit on top of a 30,000-sq-ft, cast-in-place structured concrete deck. The process of sequencing the pouring of the decks to accommodate precast concrete erection while keeping structural-steel erection moving on the other sides of the building created logistical issues, explains A&P senior superintendent Kyle Tillery. This, coupled with the existing occupied building blocking access on one side, meant everything had to be done on the west side of the building with concrete trucks, pump trucks, rebar cranes, precast cranes, steel cranes and so on.

Part of the challenge was not only to phase construction around the occupied site but also to phase work tasks around the availability of materials, like steel. Because it’s a very large building, A&P was able to move some of its subcontractors around instead of having to wait on material delays.

occupied school adjacent





Adolfson & Peterson had just started interviewing trade partners in early March when COVID-19 hit, sending everyone home to complete the bulk of the subcontractor interviews remotely. Tillery says this provided both lessons and opportunities for the team. “During the design process, we learned to do a number of pull plan schedules remotely,” he says. “We ultimately learned that we don’t need to do pull plans in person—and moving forward we can apply this beyond the design process as well.”

“Working remotely also gave us a lot of ears and voices in meetings to be sure we weren’t missing anything,” Porta notes. “This was both the silver lining and challenge of 2020. It allowed everyone to call in and participate. There were no travel or weather logistics to work around. If we hadn’t been forced to [meet remotely] we might have missed some of those key voices.”


“见证团队成员融合的数量很有趣 - 从尽早将公司带入设计过程,再到看到一些从未做到这一点的实体之间的合作。一些承包商从来没有机会了解设计中的事情是如何融合在一起的,[这些分包商]可以窥视所有思想和计划,以及为什么事情以他们的方式运作,”蒂勒里说。

“It’s fun to look back and say, ‘How did we do this?’ We wanted to deliver the best building in the long term, and even though we knew this [process] would be harder on us, we did it anyway,” Tillery says. “There’s no doubt in my mind that we will do more of these types of design-build projects.”