Retired University of Colorado President Bruce Benson says Dick Saunders lives by the “Code of the West.”

“Your honesty, your integrity—that’s all that counts,” says Benson, who led the 67,000-student CU system from 2008 to 2019, and first knew Saunders through Denver-area community work. Saunders Construction has completed buildings on all four CU campuses, and Benson says, “You don’t have big fusses and fights about what you did do or what you didn’t do. If Dick says it, that’s it.”

The 81-year-old Saunders, who retired two years ago from the company he founded in 1972, says he learned the importance of square dealing when he mowed lawns at age 12 or 13. As is often the case, the lesson came through hard experience.


迪克·桑德斯served as a board member for many years on the nonprofit Kempe Foundation, which supports children’s well-being. Saunders Construction renovated the center’s offices in Aurora.
Image courtesy of Saunders Construction

正如桑德斯(Saunders)所说的那样,纽约州尼亚加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls)的一个邻居正在进行六周的旅行。他雇用桑德斯(Saunders)在他不在时每周修剪草。他们同意了价格,握手。邻居以典型的青少年方式离开了桑德斯,迅速忘记了这一点。


“你做了什么我告诉你?”那人问。“割it every week?”


The neighbor strolled over to the trash can. Lifting the lid, he discovered a tall mound of fresh yard clippings.


upscale men’s store

这家位于丹佛Cherry Creek社区的高档男性商店是Saunders Construction于1972年建造的第一个项目。
Image courtesy of Saunders Construction

约翰·贝布尔(John Beeble)说,他跟随桑德斯(Saunders)担任该公司的总裁兼首席执行官,现在是建筑行业顾问:“迪克(Dick)是一个从未有过的人,他曾说过他将要做他不跟随的事情。这就是使迪克·桑德斯(Dick Saunders)成为谁的原因,这就是使他与众不同的原因。”

可靠性的声誉对于Enr Mountain州在科罗拉多州特征区的2021年遗产奖中选择Saund新利18备用ers是至关重要的。该荣誉每年都会庆祝建筑,工程和建设方面的终身成就。


Saunders Construction已为该公司的第一个重复客户King Soopers新利18备用网址建造了150多个项目。它帮助建立了桑德斯的企业文化,以满足时间表和令人愉悦的客户。
Image courtesy of Saunders Construction



Even with a summer home, which Saunders’ grandfather built in 1928, the family endured tough times. Helen Saunders’ husband left when the four children ranged between 5 and 11 years old. Still, Saunders remembers his mother as a strong provider.

—Bruce Benson, Former President of University of Colorado



桑德斯已经参与了多个小组数十年。其中包括他的母校,丹佛大学以及科罗拉多州的组织,这有助于服务不足的城市青年;ACE奖学金,为低收入儿童提供私立学校赠款;城市青年部,发展基于信仰的领导;和科罗拉多州的心理健康,为患有精神疾病的人提供教育和倡导。In addition, he has given time to the Associated General Contractors of America, serving on its national board of directors, and was elected to lead the Colorado state chapter.


桑德斯建筑’s first high-rise building

From left, former CEO John Beeble, Dick Saunders, Chairman and CEO Greg Schmidt at the construction site of 1900 16th Street, Saunders Construction’s first high-rise building.
Image courtesy of Saunders Construction


Saunders had been working for a local homebuilder to earn college expenses and parlayed his experience into a job as a laborer with R.W. Fenton, a small commercial contractor. If school had been difficult, full-time manual work was even harder. After “getting sunstroke in the summer and frostbite in the winter,” he says he persuaded DU to take him back.

He graduated in 1963 with a bachelor’s degree from what is now DU’s Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management. He also left with a lifetime of gratitude, which perhaps reached its apex in 2020, when he gave $1.5 million to support the university’s new Community Commons student center, built by Saunders Construction and opened in January 2021.

Dick and Jeanne Saunders

迪克(Dick)和珍妮·桑德斯(Jeanne Saunders)在第9届生物医学研究大楼内爆炸之前,由桑德斯建筑公司(Saunders Construction)领导。
保罗·韦德莱克(Paul Wedlake)的图像


长大后,桑德斯一直寻求财务安全并渴望拥有一家企业。当他只有30岁,没有积蓄的时候,他借了40,000美元的贷款开始建立桑德斯的建设。该公司的第一份工作是1972年2月在丹佛的Cherry Creek附近,在那里桑德斯在那里建造了一家名为Pappagallo的高档男性商店。

零售工作成为早期的专业。桑德斯很快就开始建造国王索珀斯杂货店,在接下来的五十年中,他的小公司涌入了一个多元化的3.62亿美元的电力公司,在Covid-19-19 Pandmetic之前的年收入达到了6.2亿美元的高峰。一位公司代表说,桑德斯现在仅拥有该公司的“少数少数股份”,其余的则在475名员工的主要成员中分发。

现任首席执行官兼董事长格雷格·施密特(Greg Schmidt)表示,桑德斯(Saunders)每天工作14个小时,并始终比他自己更聪明。施密特(Schmidt)于1994年加入该公司,他回忆说,桑德斯(Saunders)通常会在清晨到达,辛苦劳作直到午夜。他说,这种方案一直持续到2001年,当时60岁的桑德斯(Saunders)将每天的行政职责移交给了贝尔(Beeble)。施密特(Schmidt)于2011年担任总裁,并在2015年退休时担任首席执行官。

Beeble和Saunders都表示,他们在行业中看到的许多阴暗做法感到震惊。1995年,Beeble感到恶心和幻灭,辞去了他的最新工作,并准备离开建筑,当Saunders和其他公司的黄铜将他交给了最后一次。Beeble有四个报价,桑德斯的序曲在金钱和直接责任中排名最后。尽管如此,关于迪克·桑德斯(Dick Saunders)和他周围的人仍然有些事情。

University of Denver Law School


“They were so honest,” Beeble says. “They told me: ‘We think you have a tremendous upside, but you have to show us.’” Trusting a “churning in my gut,” Beeble turned down the other jobs, including two VP positions, and joined Saunders—as an estimator.


在Covid之前,Beeble每月与桑德斯(Saunders)共进午餐,使他从现在住的亚利桑那州的高尔夫球场分散了他的注意力。桑德斯(Saunders)仍然每周与他的妻子珍妮(Jeanne)两次打高尔夫球,他在斯科茨代尔(Scottsdale)的家庭办公室装饰有来自丹佛Cherry Hills乡村俱乐部的三个超大场景。


He may be the only guy in the world who doesn’t trust Dick Saunders.