
该公司在1月下旬表示,布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)为公用事业量表开发商美国太阳能电厂和储能的交易增强了其清洁能源投资组合,并在12个州的项目中提高了项目。新利18备用网址它的管道包括13吉瓦的太阳能容量和7吉瓦的储能,约2 gw的构造或附近,约有4 GW价值4 GW的“脱离风险的高级舞台建立机会”,可以在接下来的六个中构建其可再生能源部门首席执行官康纳·特斯基(Connor Teskey)在2月4日的收入电话中告诉分析师,随着能源买家采用减少的碳排放量。

The total gives Brookfield Renewables about 31 GW of clean energy project potential in the U.S., including hydropower, wind, solar and energy storage. The firm says it is “one of the world’s largest publicly traded, pure-play renewable power platforms,” with 21 GW of clean energy installed and 56 GW in its pipeline.

它是总部位于多伦多的布鲁克菲尔德资产管理公司(Brookfield Asset Management)拥有60%的人,该管理声称总体能源基础设施资产总价值为6500亿美元。其Brookfield基础设施部门去年8月赢得了数十亿美元的竞标战争,为Inter Pipeline Ltd.,Calgary,Alberta,Alberta,化石燃料提取器,Transporter和Project Developer赢得了一场竞标。

Teskey said said the deal will link Brookfield into high-value power markets like the PJM Interconnection grid, which stretches from Maryland to Illinois, and the Midcontinent Independent System Operator system, across the Midwest. He said its solar projects in development have “positions in the interconnection queue, which in turn, are “specifically valuable in the PJM market.”

Teskey added, “The reasons we are excited about this transaction are numerous.” Urban Grid will continue to operate under its brand, said its CEO, Frank DePew.

Urban Grid’s strength is in project development, “securing land, interconnection and permits, the early-stage component of development,” Teskey said, adding that Brookfield Renewables is stronger in corporate power purchase agreement procurement, power marketing, financing and construction.

Montreal-based energy financial analyst Naji Baydoun of iA Capital Markets said the deal “further extends [Brookfield's] growth runway in the U.S.”
