乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统已签署了一项行政命令,要求对价值超过3500万美元的联邦建筑项目进行项目劳动协议。新利18备用网址该命令有可能代表工会承包商的福音和非工会公司的障碍。





News of the order, which would have a significant impact on a wide swath of contractors, drew praise from unions and pushback from construction industry groups.

国家电气承包商协会首席执行官戴维·朗(David Long)在一份声明中感谢拜登(Biden),并补充说,该命令“优先考虑安全,价值,质量和准时交付我们的联邦项目,并用高技能和训练有素的劳动力建造”。新利18备用网址

相关的通用公司的首席执行官斯蒂芬•情报局ntractors of America, said the administration was trying “to solve a problem that doesn’t exist,” through use of government-mandated PLAs. “Construction workers are among some of the highest paid workers in the economy, earning 10% more than the average worker in the U.S,” he said in a statement. “Their pay rates have continued to climb 5.1% as labor shortages have made this a workers’ market.”

Sandherr said the agreements discriminate against construction workers who choose not to belong to a union, noting that, while non-union companies could work under one, they would be required to pay both their employees’ benefits and those of the unions involved in the agreement. “Since few firms can be competitive while paying two sets of benefits, the order effectively locks out most workers from participating in federal construction projects,” he said.




“President Biden’s new policy will not help America ‘Build Back Better;’ said Ben Brubeck, its vice president of regulatory, labor and state affairs, "instead, it will exacerbate the construction industry’s skilled workforce shortage, needlessly increase construction costs and reduce opportunities for local contractors and skilled tradespeople.” .
