President Joe Biden on Feb. 4extendedby for years Trump administration's tariffs on imported crystalline photovoltaic cells and modules commonly used in solar panels, but in a concession to solar projecr developers, he also eased the terms to exclude bifacial panel—those that can charge on both sides and are used in solar farms and other utility-grade installations.


“While we are disappointed with the decision to extend Section 201 [under the 1974 Trade Act] tariffs on imported solar cells and panels, we are grateful to the Biden administration for clearly considering the range of issues affected by this decision," the Solar Energy Industries Association, which represents manufacturers of solar technology, said in a statement.


四年的扩展还使太阳能电池的进口配额(光伏面板的主要产生能源生成组件)增加到5 GW,然后在关税开始之前。海关和边境保护。

While the proclamation says negotiations with the US. Depts. of Energy and Commerce must precede any action, it also instructs the U.S. Trade Representative to negotiate with Mexico and Canada to open a pathway for duty-free supply of cells and panels from the other North American countries.

国家电气Contractors Association, whose members are responsible for most residential and utility-scale installation of solar panels, declined to comment on the extension of the tariffs. Messages to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the union that represents workers responsible for major panel installation projects, were not immediately returned Feb. 4.