
There are lots of reasons for missed goals and deadlines—poor project management, design flaws, supply chain issues, poor communication and so on. When you drill down into the root causes, you will find not having the right project management tools, such as a Common Data Environment (CDE), could cost your project millions.


Here are seven ways a CDE can save you time and money:

1. Lowers Your Cost

The volume of paperwork generated by any project is considerable and often requires extensive storage solutions. Moreover, the paper itself can be costly. Switching to a CDE means using less paper to dispense information, which in turn, avoids the need to pay for additional office space or storage.


Did you know people spend 5%-15% of their time reading information, but up to 50% looking for it? A CDE provides 24/7 easy access to documents and the latest information from any location—a real upgrade from overfilled filing cabinets. Robust indexing capabilities ensure you know exactly where everything is at all times.


Making the transition from paper to digital documents can be difficult. However, there is no better way to get things off the ground than by implementing a well-designed CDE. Deploying a CDE is straightforward, so there is no need for concern over losing valuable time during the transition.










网站provides organizations with a comprehensive Common Data Environment that streamlines information management at all levels. To find out more, visitasite.com

关于the Author:

雷切尔·凯里(Rachel Carey)is a Digital Content Marketer at Asite, the leading open project management platform designed to manage capital projects and investments, as well as general construction projects.