WSP USA将与四家新兴技术公司签署协议,以在气候,韧性和可持续性中完善和扩展其产品,这是设计和专业服务公司的新启动孵化器的一部分。


According to WSP, the group will integrate products and services for WSP's climate, resilience and sustainability business line over a three-month beta testing and due diligence period. If a technology is deemed a good fit for a WSP client need, the startup provider will be shepherded through a commercialization phase, says Pooja Jain,WSP vice president of strategic innovation for the business line.

“It's a pretty methodical approach,” says Jain“我们希望确保产品已经成熟,并准备去我们经营的市场。”她补充说,WSP主题专家协助公司提高针对特定需求的产品。

WSP's first structured technology incubation program provides early and growth stage companies a platform to scale their offerings for commercialization. Companies selected for the program receive no funding from WSP, but benefit from its stewardship in target markets.

“The idea was to partner with companies that are early stage and are looking to grow in the markets that we operate in,” Jain says. “If we are really connected with these technology firms that are coming up with novel ideas, we can help our clients better reach their goals.”

Internally, WSP recently centralized its climate, sustainability and resilience divisions into one business line to streamline operations and focus research efforts in the growing market. The company was recently selected to oversee delivery of $4.3 billion in grant-funded climate mitigation projects across Texas.

Integrating Start-up Offerings With Client Needs


Streamlining building materials procurement into one platform,Bundle跟踪材料的可持续性指标,WSP说可以增加另一层以跟踪项目的碳排放。

BayoTechproduces low-carbon, cost-effective hydrogen gas via installation of hydrogen hubs near service areas.

Disaster Tech的决策科学综合协作环境平台帮助灾难计划和响应专业人员根据情境理解做出明智的决策,这将有助于WSP紧急管理团队


"With the maturity of the cloud expansion and so much emphasis on big data, these start-ups are very nimble, and they are addressing these very niche markets," in construction sectors that Jain says are "ready for disruption right now."

她补充说:“ That disruption is coming from the start-up community, not necessarily from big companies like ourselves。Partnering, at least in my opinion, is a way of connecting with this community that really is going to make a difference big time in where our industry goes from a technology integration point of view."