空间角度正计划建立一个空间craft assembly plant at the Space Coast Airport and Spaceport in Titusville. Project scope includes design and construction of a 120,000-sq-ft building, and purchase and installation of jigs and composite fabrication, machining, tooling, assembly, finishing and testing equipment. The facility is expected to be operational by the fourth quarter of 2023. Space Perspective will use the facility to produce space balloons and capsules for civilian spaceflight. The estimated EPC cost is $38 million. Space Perspective, Building J5, Shuttle Landing Facility, Kennedy Space Center, 32899. IR#FL211208.


Envates Commerce LLC计划在克拉克县建造铝制罐装工厂。项目范围包括建筑物的建设;并安装自动输送机,烤箱,石版画和打孔器,车身制造,涂料,清洁,冷却和托盘设备。Chufani Construction USA可能会为该项目提供一般建筑服务。预计建设将于2023年第一季度开始。估计的EPC成本为7550万美元。Envise Commerce LLC,1901 Wycon Drive,Waco,Texas,76712。IR#NV211202。


路易斯安那 - 太平洋公司(LP Building Solutions)计划在Steuben县工业发展局在Bath的商业园区的75英亩土地上建造工程木材产品工厂。项目范围包括建筑物的建设;轨道和轨道铺设;以及购买和安装树脂和化学储存,干燥,混合,添加剂应用和混合,绘画,灰尘收集和包装设备。预计建设将于2022年第二季度开始。LPBuilding Solutions将使用该工厂生产预制的壁板和建筑产品。估计的EPC成本为2400万美元。路易斯安那 - 太平洋公司,田纳西州纳什维尔联合街414号,37219。IR#NY211206。


Boom Supersonic is considering constructing an aircraft manufacturing and assembly plant on a 1,000-acre site near Piedmont Triad International Airport in Guilford County. The project scope includes construction of building space; and purchase and installation of fabrication, machining, assembly, finishing and testing equipment. Site preparation is expected to begin in the second or third quarter of 2022 pending site negotiations. The estimated EPC cost is $500 million. Boom Supersonic, 12876 E. Adam Aircraft Circle, Centennial, Colo., 80112. IR#NC220101.


MycoWorks is planning to construct a fungal-based biomaterials manufacturing plant in Union. The project scope includes fitout of a 100,000-sq-ft building with cleanrooms; and purchase and installation of bioreactors, and mixing, casting, drying, testing and packaging equipment. The facility is expected to be operational by January 2023. MycoWorks will use the facility to produce mycelium-based biomaterials for use as a leather alternative. The estimated EPC cost is $107 million. MycoWorks, 1355 Ocean Ave., Emeryville, Calif., 94608. IR#SC220103.


NINOVA Global计划在蒂普顿维尔的莱克县工业园区的130英亩土地上建造一家硅炼油厂。项目范围包括建造建筑空间和设备基础;购买和勃起结构钢;购买和安装原材料存储和处理,输送机,料斗,高架起重机,电弧炉,饲养器,屏幕,巴格房和热恢复设备;并购买叉车。已选择简历工程为该项目提供建筑管理服务,并有望在2022年第二季度发布出价包。Sinova将使用该工厂生产冶金级硅,以供工业消费者生产硅阳极电池,太阳能电池,太阳能电池,太阳能电池,太阳能电池,,,,太阳能电池,太阳能电池,太阳能电池,半导体和铝。估计的EPC成本为1.5亿美元。Sinova Global,5241 Calgary Trail NW,埃德蒙顿,艾伯塔省,T6H 5G8。IR#TN211202。


Maxter Healthcare Inc. is planning to construct a nitrile glove manufacturing, distribution, and research and development facility on a 215-acre site in Brazoria County. The Phase I project scope includes construction of a 285,000-sq-ft building with production, warehouse, laboratory and office space; and purchase and installation of compounding, raw material storage and coagulant tanks, air compressors, glove production lines with automatic dipping, stripping, stacking, packing and cartoning equipment and laboratory, wastewater treatment, water recycling, robotic quality control, and inventory control equipment. ARCO/Murray has been selected to provide design-build services for the project. Construction is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2022. Three additional phases are planned for a total of 2.4 mil sq ft of building space. The estimated EPC cost is $200 million. Maxter Healthcare, 1899 Sequoia Drive, Aurora, Ill., 60506. IR#TX211241.


McCain Foods USA Inc.计划扩大其开胃菜的生产设施。项目范围包括设计和建造135,000平方英尺的建筑扩展,以及购买和安装带有不锈钢罐和管道,自动输送机以及混合,面包料,油炸,冷冻和包装设备的生产线。预计建设将于2022年第二或第三季度开始。该设施将为食品服务和零售行业生产冷冻基于奶酪的开胃菜。估计的EPC成本为1.69亿美元。McCain Foods USA Inc.,Oakbrook Terrace,Inl。,伊利诺伊州Oakbrook Terrace,60181。IR#WI211202。